Prostrate Aging: Taking a better look at the little gland

It has been reported that more than 50% of men over the age of 40 already suffer from prostate concerns and the percentage of men getting affected continues to grow to a gigantic 90% by the age of 80. An aging prostate is a normal part of a man’s life. As we nourish ourselves for a better aging process, we have to take care of the prostate too in a turn to get a better urine output and a normal urinary frequency. Prostrate helps in supporting a normal sex life too. Taking its care means one can sleep well cutting off those micturition races to the bathroom as one ages.

Prostate gland secretes the fluid that nourishes the semen. When one hits middle age, our body starts secreting an enzyme called as 5-alpha reductase. This enzyme starts to turn the normal testosterone into a harmful testosterone compound called DHT, dihydrotestosterone.

In short, DHT mounts as the regular testosterone level goes down.

DHT is thought to be one of the crucial reasons that our prostate size increases as we age and is associated with common urinary symptoms that result. Because of its enlarged size, prostate gland presses on the urethra which is the exit for urine and semen, resulting in frequent urination or even dribbling owing to incontinence. As a result the bladder may result in over sensitization and prompts the individual to micturate even when small amounts of urine collect.

Reports have been there that say early interventions and regular check- ups detect prostate enlargement and help in easy treatment with alpha blockers or 5-alpha reductase inhibitors that inhibit the formation of that harmful enzyme. Late interventions may cause cancer or hypertrophy needing surgery.

So, buck up and pave a way to that stoned sleep again. September is prostate cancer awareness month. Get a regular check up done and save your little prostate. It’s important too.



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