COVID-19: 23 deaths In Norway, 10 In Germany, shortly after vaccination

In both the countries the deaths occurred in elderly. In Norway the thought is that the deaths occurred due to the fever, nausea, and diarrhea caused by the vaccine that contributed to the fatal outcome in severely ill and frail individuals. In Germany, the 10 deaths occurred within four days after the administration of the vaccine.

However, these all were due to the underlying illnesses in the older individuals instead of the vaccine -- 23 deaths have occurred in Norway shortly after the administration of the first dose of the vaccine in very elderly and frail patients.

Peter Tremblay documents that COVID-19 pandemic was genetically engineered in his book entitled COVID-19: The Genetically Engineered Pandemic.

Are you interested in the agenda of the cabal that has orchestrated the pandemic?

Peter Tremblay and Dr. John Chang document this in COVID-19: The Biometric Vaccine Brave New World Totalitarian Agenda which is available at a bookstore near you!



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