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Bill Clinton 'Rape' T-Shirts Sold at Republican National Convention

Former Trump adviser Roger Stone and Infowars conspiracy theorist Alex Jones have made headlines once again after they sold t-shirts featuring Bill Clinton's face with the word rape on it. This was at the 2016 Republican National Convention, RNC, in Cleveland, Ohio.

It is one of the latest clothing lines of controversial nature to go on sale as far as the presidential campaigns go. Other t-shirts and merchandises related to the duo are made of slogans such as Hillary Clinton for Prison 2016 and Life’s a Bitch, don’t vote for one.

The merchandise and t-shirts that are all anti-Hillary have been so far modest with Hillary being the main target but the attack on her husband is a new time low even for Trump as he tries to woe women to vote for him by discretion the Democrats. The strategy so far seems to be spreading misinformation or too much of it in the name of facts.

The t-shirts imitate the HOPE image that was used as a slogan for Barack Obama's 2008 presidential campaign further alluding to the rape allegations that were made against Bill in 1978. Juanita Broaddrick, the victim of the alleged rape accused Bill Clinton of raping her in a hotel room in Little Rock. However, she made the information public later on in 1999 on NBC. Clinton only denied the allegations through his lawyer.

The controversial t-shirt just came up as a woman who accused Trump of sexual assault spoke for the first time since the occurrence. Jill Harth, the victim of the alleged assault met Trump at a business presentation in 1997. The make-up artist told the Guardian newspaper, "I had to say, 'What are you doing? Stop it.' It was a shocking thing. "

So far Trump's office has denied the allegations terming them as lacking any merit or veracity.

As for the t-shirts they are selling like hot cake and even Roger Stone was spotted and photographed while wearing one at the convention.  Though he left Trump's campaign last year he is still a huge supporter of Trump and his presidency.


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