International News 4754 Views by Dennis

America Prepares for World War III Soon Suggests Mural

At a point in time when a ‘self-proclaimed messenger of God’ by name Horacio Villegas and other conspiracy theorists predict the beginning of World War III, it appears that such claims have been given further proof by murals found at the Denver International Airport. For an airport to be filled with such murals makes it a bit hard to not believe that America is really preparing for the inception of World War III.

Ranging from murals showing a child weeping and holding a Mayan tablet, dead kids to a huge explosion, one can only hope for the worst if such murals clearly predict what is about to happen in the near future. A video posted on YouTube by bin1bash shows a conspiracy theorist being taken around the various murals that predict a gloomy future for humanity. For an airport to being named as a ‘New World Airport’ is even enough to raise a lot of eyebrows with regards to conspiracy theorists claiming that certain powerful people have plans far advanced to bring about the ‘New World Order’.

For the United States of America to have an airport full of murals depicting spooky images like that of a soldier wearing a gas mask surrounded by dead children and destroyed buildings, a sculpture of a demon sitting on a suitcase, among many others shows something sinister is really about to happen. And if indeed these are anything to go by, then it also goes to further prove that America's elites have been preparing for World War III for some time now.


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