Nature and Environment 8138 Views by Sadia Arshad

Fukushima: Groundwater contamination worsens under TEPCO

Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) has announced that the Fukushima’s plant reactor buildings are getting flooded by groundwater every day. A couple of months ago, they installed extra emergency tanks in Fukushima area near the nuclear plant. Their capacity is so low that the tanks are getting full in a mere ten days’ time as the water is flooding in at an alarming rate of two hundred and eighty five litres a minute.

TEPCO is wasting precious time in addressing this issue as once the water gets inside, it is becoming contaminated and stored in tanks that cover about seventeen hectares of the grounds. As these tanks are almost close to getting full, TEPCO has started chopping down a forest that is adjoining the plant to use up more space to store this contaminated run-off. The disturbing element of this issue is that the contaminated water is strong in strontium which is a radioactive element that can cause bone cancer.

Recent pictures have shown double-headed dandelions growing in Minamisoma as a result of the Fukushima fallout.


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