Online Dating: Guys, are Millions of Women waiting to Meet You?

Millions of Women are Waiting to Meet You


Language: English
ISBN-10: 074758219X
ISBN-13: 978-0747582199

Sean Thomas' sometimes wistful, often times downright hilarious look at one man's attempt to find love in the technological age is a marvel to read.

Filled with witty observations about the world and relationships, Millions of Women Are Waiting To Meet You never fails to disappoint.

His prose is at once boastful and yet self deprecating and he fires away at the foibles of each sex with both barrels.

I really enjoyed this book. Last month, I began the fifth decade of my existence, and am still single. It is scary. Especially for a guy like me who has had very little success with the opposite sex.

Some people just have it. Thomas, while revealing his plight of being near 40 and single, still has a lot of stories to tell about sowing his oats. I would recommend this book to any guy. From reading about his experiences, I learned that self-confidence is something a woman can pick up on. If you don't have it, females are not going to give you the time of day.

He also discusses the danger of internet porn and shows how a guy can really make himself look like an idiot for a girl. It is one of those books that are just fun to read.

Several months ago I picked up a book by a guy named Dusty White on how to pick up any woman you desire. It was worthless. This book, while not a 'how to' manual, is enough to help some poor guy like me being tossed to and fro upon the sea of lonliness. In short, I highly recommend it.

There is only ONE NEW COPY still available at AMAZON.  "Click" the Amazon Bookstore cover above the red arrow. 

Order this book now, and then e-mail The Canadian for a free online dating tip.  We have an online dating coach on staff.


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