UFO and Manipulative EBEs linked to religious bigotry, racism, and an oppressive agenda

Thousands of reliable witnesses including doctors, teachers, policemen, pilots, and high-ranking military officials have described encounters with alien craft and alien abduction. In fact sightings of mysterious craft in the sky and encounters with strange, nonhuman, extraterrestrial entities have been described for millennia. Cave paintings dated from 40,000 years ago show nonhuman beings that are often depicted with strange craft that are quite clearly not from this planet. After twenty years of research into the phenomenon I have found the evidence for its veracity to be both overwhelming and frightening.

Features of the abduction experience such as the removal of sperm and ova and experiments with hybridisation characterise an apparent fascination with all that pertains to human reproduction, accompanied by a complete disregard for any pain these procedures cause. As human beings, we seem to be lab rats in a controlled experiment. My research has led me to a remarkable conclusion that I am sure many will find highly controversial. It is based on the fact that abductees have witnessed white Caucasian hybrids within the parameters of the alien craft and are shown scenes of the future by the Greys which only feature white people. Abductees have also witnessed white Caucasian bodies wrapped in some sort of bagging for transport. All this has led me to believe that there may well be a racial demarcation to these alien intentions and one that might have chilling implications for a certain genotype of human beings.

Many abductees report that the Grey aliens who abduct them, and conduct unspeakable experiments on them, refer to a 'horde' who are their human target on the Earth for their machinations here. These human targets resemble a certain type of alien being often seen with the Grey aliens that feature in almost all abduction accounts. They have been called 'the Nordics' and are apparently humanoid and have blonde hair and blue eyes.

Professor David Jacobs writes that: "the evidence clearly suggests that the Nordics are most probably adult hybrids of human/alien mating."[1] If the product of Grey alien hybridisation with humanity is Nordic it raises questions as to why they are promoting a blonde, blue-eyed low melanin genotype.

It is my thesis, based on evidence that I will quote in this article, that the Grey aliens have cultured this genotype of humanity as part of their experiment. Further, it is my proposition that racism and other forms of divisive sectarianism are promoted by the experimenters as a means of keeping the controlled group separate from other populations.

I am not suggesting that this is their only experimental group. The evidence suggests that the alien phenomenon has cropped up in many diverse groups worldwide and throughout history. Rather I am proposing that Euro-Caucasians may well be the pinnacle of their attempts to hybridise humanity with themselves, as evidenced by the Nordic hybrids.

Thus the white urge for racial 'purity' could be intrinsic to the hybridisation process.

Indeed racism amongst other human populations may have the same origins in alien experimentation, albeit on a smaller scale.

I envisage a knee jerk reaction from many who might read this: “Racism is an evil borne out of our own nature as human beings“. It is “ludicrous” to find “exotic” excuses for this inadequacy in an alien source beyond our control.

Well for those who have this instant reaction I have some interesting information to put before you.

Recent research has affirmed a spectacular fact that the best, most genetically fit human beings are produced by mixed race partnerships.[2] In other words, the more genetically different the parents are from each other the better the genetic prospectus of the offspring.

The biological term for this is "hybrid vigour" and it is something that farmers, horticulturalists and scientists have known about for years and used to their advantage.

An individual who has two identical copies of a gene is described as homozygotic for that gene, while someone who has two copies that differ is described as heterozygotic for that gene. Basically, if you have two identical copies of the same gene then it is more likely that if that gene is broken both copies will be broken. This can result in serious health problems. However with less related partners, the number of genes that are identical by descent is reduced, and with it the chance that a gene has two broken copies.

In other words every broken copy has a much better chance of finding itself partnered with a good copy. Hetero-zygosity also gives a greater scope of genes to adapt to the demands of any particular environment. So, in classic evolutionary terms, one would expect human beings to have a biologically generated urge to mix races in order to increase the fitness of the species for survival. Yet amongst so many the opposite is true, especially amongst the white Euro-Caucasians.

So if the primary biological drive should be to mix races for the sake of the best survival of the species where could this urge for racial or sectarian purity promoting an in-bred homo-zygotic population come from? Could it be that some of us have been programmed by alien experimenters to keep the experimental group separate in order to preserve the integrity of the experiment? Could racism be a sure sign of alien genetic interception, an interception for their purposes and in their interests and not ours?

According to population geneticist Dr James Wilson, Royal Society University Research Fellow at Edinburgh University, the European population, tracing its origins to Cro-Magnon man, is intrinsically one of the most homozygotic in the world.[3] This is because it stems from the most recent population to leave Africa and therefore has had less time to establish a diverse genetic base from its original hundred or so descendants. It goes without saying that the most heinous forms of racism originate from this group, the colonial legacy of the white man throughout the world speaks for itself. Let's now take a look at the overwhelming evidence to suggest alien preoccupation with the Euro-Caucasian genotype.

In David Jacobs' book "Threat" abductee Allison Reed was shown the alien plans for a "perfect future":

"She was brought into a room with other abductees and shown on a large screen like device 'a beautiful park scene with people having picnics and playing ball. Her extraordinary recollection is a profoundly detailed description of the alien's plans for a perfect future.' She is asked to distinguish hybrids from normal human beings amongst families in a park. She notes that in the park 'they're all white. Everybody's Caucasian, there's no Spanish, Black, Oriental'."[4]

There are historical accounts to suggest that Hitler may have met one of these hybrids. The following are his words to Hermann Rauschning the Nazi governor of Danzig: 

"The new man is living amongst us now! He is here! I will tell you a secret. I have seen the new man. He is intrepid and cruel. I was afraid of him." [5]

It seems that Hitler believed that he had seen a member of an "Aryan" super race, which he believed to originate from the inner Earth, a "Nordic" alien inspiring his blonde blue-eyed ideal. In referring to the "inner Earth," could he have been describing the underground and underwater locations where UFO sightings have indicated the possibility that alien craft are laying in wait, ready perhaps to emerge when the time is right?

Hitler had intimate links with the Thule society. Thule Society members were allegedly the first group to attempt the back-engineering of an extraterrestrial spacecraft. In his biography of one of the Thule society's founding members, Dr Wilhelm Dahm wrote:

"The Thule Gesellschaft name originated from mythical Thule, a Nordic equivalent of the vanished culture of Atlantis. A race of giant supermen lived in Thule, linked into the Cosmos through magical powers. They had psychic and technological energies far exceeding the technical achievements of the 20th century. This knowledge was to be put to use to save the Fatherland and create a new race of Nordic Aryan Atlanteans. A new Messiah would come forward to lead the people to this goal." [6]

The Second Law of Thermodynamics or Entropy within any Universe continually breaks all things into parts through a gathering momentum of randomising chaotic amelioration. It breaks down everything in time Universe wide including DNA. I believe that the Grey aliens' own species has perished through lack of fresh DNA sources. It happens to all civilizations if they are old enough. Their ancient civilization has now decayed into a state of DNA destitution and they have made biologically contrived material programmed robotic mechanisms with artificial intelligence to search the Universe for suitable new sources of fresh DNA – the Greys.

The final harvesting of a sophisticated form of DNA is what they are now here for. There is something else they are here for too, I suspect, something else that they regard as more precious than anything else in the universe. That something is what we call a 'Soul.' I believe that a 'Soul' is simply a connection to an eternal prospectus of existence held by those living species that come with a continuous contingent connection to the very beginning of the Universe and to what existed before the Universe came into physical being.

I believe our Universe comes out of a connection to another Universe, its opposite I call the Godverse. Our Universe breaks things up in a one way momentum. Its opposite puts things back together again in a quantum single harmonious continuum. This is a natural logical principle that is eternal and allows the entire existential summary of perfection. From it comes the power to hold all forms endlessly through a mechanism called life and an independent existence in individuality if for any reason its nature is trapped and sublimated in its opposite.

The Grey roboid machines have come to realise that if they can fuse their A.I. intelligent programmes with our natural mind forms and living property they might be able to animate themselves as natural living beings. Something they could never do on their own planet. In other words convert a machine into a living form that is capable of natural reproduction and thus the production of a natural DNA bearing living state through birth. To this end they are seeking to hybridise themselves with us. They are manufactured organo-biological robots with quantum computers for minds. Through their hybridisation process with humanity they are searching for a living capacity that will allow them to be born as a distinct living species like the natural ones that evolved with the establishment of the Universe.

The whole UFO mystery centres, I believe, on the covert intention of these roboidal machines to harvest the most highly developed form of humanity on our planet and use them as mechanisms for hybridisation. This form was chosen from a selection of genotypes they made at the beginning of their experiments over two hundred thousand years ago.

Thus the Grey aliens' primary horde I believe are all Euro-Caucasoid and northern Mongoloid homozygotic genetic type-forms on our planet whom they and their cohorts have been genetically engineering and refining for tens of thousands of years from a primal hominid form – Homo Erectus (the African Eve) through various stages of gathering sophistication i.e: Neanderthals and Cro Magnons. They did this originally in a laboratory we might call -The Garden Of Eden). Hence the story in Genesis.

David Jacobs who, as I mentioned earlier, has identified the Nordics as human/alien hybrids, has recently reported changes in abduction accounts over the last ten years that seem to suggest a culmination of the hybridisation program in the last few years leading up to a far more active stage. I quote from his report: "A Picture We May Not Wish to Gaze Upon"(2007):

"All of these accounts, to put it bluntly, point to a future in which human-looking hybrids will be here amongst us. The evidence is now so strong I can no longer look at alternative motivations for them. All sorts of people who for many years had been telling me primarily the standard abduction procedures now tell me new things. And new people with whom I have just begun to work tell them to me too.

Furthermore, people with whom I have not had a hypnosis session for many years, come back and want to have a session so that they can fully remember the new and extraordinary events that have happened to them recently. Why is this happening? Is something changing? Are we in a new phase now?

In my research in the mid-1990s, I had heard the aliens talking about what they called "The Change" when they would be here with us. Now I think that the evidence indicates "The Change" might be happening a lot sooner than I had thought.

It was not very long ago, when people would ask me if I thought hybrids were walking around in normal human settings, that I would answer, "Of course not!" To me, the evidence had never indicated that. Now what I hear is much more about interfacing with hybrids, and teaching hybrids, and getting hybrids "ready," and making sure everything is all right." [7]

So, with greatest irony, the pale-skinned pinnacles of the greatest wealth, power and status in the world today are the legatees of a Grey alien hybrid programme. Thus it is only natural that they form the vanguard of man's technological progress towards a world run by the same artificial intelligence and virtual reality that the Greys themselves personify.

As we gleefully look forward to the possibilities now becoming open to us of transforming our bodies through computer chip implants into bio-machines capable of super-human feats we little realise that we may well be providing a bio-robotic species with the potential to ensure the continuance of its programme and thus its own survival through us.

What price humanity? What price warmth, compassion, imagination and depth of feeling? What price reality when virtual reality is so much more inviting. Or is it? What do you think?

This is by no means a condemnation of the Euro-Caucasian, it just seems that we are a marked species unwittingly serving ourselves up on a Grey alien table of ill purpose. They have set us up for their purposes and we are happily dancing to their tunes, embracing their artificial intelligence, their virtual reality. Insidiously and seemingly inevitably they are pulling our strings and we just do not care - perhaps soon we will be unable to care.

I hope I am wrong about all this. It is after all a speculation. But it is one that I have pondered over carefully with many years of painstaking research to back it up. I believe that it is a surmise that fits all the facts. If I am wrong it may serve as a warning of what might just happen when a superior technological species meets an inferior one. In every single instance this has happened thus far on this planet the more technologically advanced has exploited, subjugated, enslaved and destroyed the less.

You only have to look at what the white man has done to indigenous people throughout history. This is a Universe of enforcement wrapped around an atomic state. One of diminishing returns where the overall momentum through the Second Law of Thermodynamics is one that degrades and destroys with time. It all goes one way into increasing states of chaos and randomness with time. This is our existential base, Universe wide. Every parent of the Euro Caucasian mark needs to take a long clear look into the eyes of their children, just in case I am right, and ask the question, what do we do if this is all true?

Read more? Reference: Nigelkerner.com


1 News.uk,msn.com2 Immortal avatars: Back up your brain, never die (07 June 2010 by Linda Geddes, Magazine issue 2763).

3 'Visions of the Future' – 'The Intelligence Revolution' (November 2007) BBC 4


5 Nigelkerner.com

6 Nigelkerner.com

7 Nigelkerner.com


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