UFO · Exopolitics 2601 Views by Paul Chen

Are Extraterrestrials linked to “natural disasters”?

In Star Trek’s Next Generation episode called “Devil’s Due” an Extraterrestrial uses their access to technology to create apparently “natural disasters”. Ardra, the extraterrestrial sought to exploit religious mythology. As humanity gets closer to 2012, could the creators of that Star Trek episode be seeking to inspire human awareness of Ardra-like Manipulative Extraterrestrial behind Tsuamis that caused Japan’s nuclear disaster, and other such “natural disasters” that elites have been quick to commercial profit? Naomi Klein’s ‘disaster capitalism’ documented such a phenomenon.

According to David Icke, the Earth and the collective human mind is manipulated from the Moon, which, he says, is not a ‘heavenly body’, but an artificial construct – a gigantic ‘spacecraft’ (probably a hollowed-out 'planetoid') – which is home to the extraterrestrial group that has been manipulating humanity for aeons.

Wikipedia outlines Star Trek’s Next Generation episode called “Devil’s Due”. In that epoisode, The USS Enterprise receives a distress call from the character Dr. Clarke, the leader of a Federation scientific delegation on Ventax II, where the population is in a state of panic because they are convinced that their world will soon end. After the Enterprise arrives, they rescue the character Dr. Clarke who brings them up to date: a thousand years ago, according to Ventaxian history, the population entered a Faustian deal with Ardra, their mythology's devil. In exchange for ending their ongoing wars and restoring the ecological balance, and in general improving their heavily polluted planet, the population would deliver themselves into the personal slavery of Ardra. As the millennium is about to come to a close, the planet has recently begun experiencing mild earthquakes as well as seeing images of the character Ardra in the skies. These things were said to precede Ardra's arrival, and therefore fueled the fears of the Ventaxian people.

As Captain Picard and Data discuss the matter with the Ventaxian leader, a sultry brunette appears in the chamber, announcing herself as Ardra. She proves her identity by seemingly starting an earthquake at will, and changing her form into that of both the Christian and then the Klingon devil. Ardra states that the thousand years are over and that she has come to claim the planet.

During the course of the hearing, the character Geordi and Dr. Clarke discover that Ardra has a cloaked ship hiding nearby, that she is indeed using technology to simulate magic, and that she is a criminal with a long career. To prove a point, the character Captain Picard has an away team led by the character Commander Riker take control of Ardra's ship. This gives Picard control of Ardra's powers, which he uses to demonstrate the fraud. Ardra is swiftly taken into custody by local authorities.



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