Global Economy Ignores Human Evolution at Our Peril

We need to begin to re-focus and give due attention to making choices which conform to the principles and also to the foundation of our normal human existence. Otherwise, the predatory alien (non human) intelligence which is behind the promotion of the capitalist doctrine will be able to continue to be successful in its efforts to push us along on the road to our destruction as sentient beings.

The opportunity for us to achieve our human evolution, (which is a heightened union of our sensibilities and our existence, to our overall reality and to its parts), is our birthright. However, fostering our human evolution is not a priority at which the promoters of the capitalist doctrine are aiming. Instead, the predatory alien (non human) intelligence which is behind the promotion of the capitalist doctrine operates on a different priority. Its aim is to have us function as better tools and implements (human capital). We are being conditioned (through market-centred exploitation of each other and of the natural environment on which we depend for our human survival), to focus on improving our ability to secure more financial gain.

Therefore, if normal humans want to secure our human evolution birthright, we have got a job to do. For starters, we will need to resist continuing on the road of greed-induced and money-centred exploitation of each other and of our natural environment also.

Over the process of going about our lives, the predatory alien intelligence and its agents (that are behind the promotion of the capitalist doctrine) have been systematically conditioning us to seek enhanced financial results. We are also being lead to measure and rank the outcomes from our efforts in financial-equivalent terms.

The operation (of conditioning us to concentrate on bringing a final focus to bear on operations in how we go about our lives), is a tactical instrument. The predatory alien intelligence that is behind the promotion of the capitalist doctrine is using it to divert and to destroy our human sensibilities, and our impetus toward achieving our human evolution birthright. The invading predatory alien (non-human) intelligence will then be able to succeed in its aim to enslave and to destroy us (as sentient beings).

Here, therefore, is a part of the background of understanding on which we will need to draw, (if we are to foster the more sublime human existence, which will accompany the steps that we take to achieve our human evolution).

In other words, if we are to neutralize the prevailing entrenched power over our the living that we do, that is now being wielded by the predatory alien (non-human) intelligence that is behind the promotion of the capitalist doctrine, What are the activities and initiatives from our human roots that we need to concentrate and draw on?

Recall, for instance, that the way in which normal humans adjust to their reality, begins at birth.

Just after our birth, the attendants usually swaddle the human infant into very closely fitting garments. That fitting, is intended to mimic the continued presence of the infant in the womb which it had just left. Accordingly, while it is encased in this wrapping, the infant is given time to hear, to smell, and to adjust itself to the external world and its ambient communications, as well as to light. Additionally, although the infant is in that swaddled condition, it also recognizes that it still retains the capability to direct messages to its limbs.

The infant has therefore essentially embarked the lifelong process of adjusting to an ambient external reality. And that is what our living is all about.

Human evolution occurs in association with the broadening understanding and with the clarifications about our ambient reality, that we each make (to ourselves) in the process of our maturing, While these mental adjustments are occurring, we each are usually lead to see our existence and survival as having a close linkage to the collective and also to the respective parts of our reality which reveal themselves.

That maturing focus on our reality which evolves in concert with our minds, also begins to show us the multiplicity to which we need to accommodate. As a result, we each are then lead to see our material lives as being comprised of the selections of time and effort commitments into which we choose to enter.

That mental broadening which we form about our surroundings as our maturing proceeds, then leads us to intuitively form a heightened awareness of the variety of recognitions that flow through us. As a result, we begin to tune into the bio-electric domain (which accommodates us, and which is our sentience).

That tuning in, then leads us to begin to recognize that there is an immediate as well as a larger prevailing action arena to our existence, into which we are invited to involve ourselves and participate..

As we seek to give expression to (and to also fulfill) our individuality into which our freedom to choose leads us in this action arena that is being revealed to us, we are lead to recognize a number of things. For starters, we are lead to recognize that this background potential action arena (which begins to reveal itself), also comprises a prevailing background bio-electric ambience in which we exist.

That maturing of our minds has therefore lead us to come to recognize that when we set out to make choices (from the offered action background), we are essentially giving exercise to our own individuality. In particular, we have been lead to discover that this background bio-electric arena which is revealing itself to us, also offers us options for behaving into which we are invited to participate,

It is only after the process of our mental maturing leads us to glimpse the larger bio-electric arena (which beckons our individual action), that the presence of potential path to our evolution (as normal human beings will begin to reveal itself to us.

Our awakening to that broader universe of potential actions in which we are invited to participate, is usually also further accompanied by a process of broader mental maturing. That is because the offer of personal choices which accompanies our glimpse of the larger bio-electric union to which we are connected (and that is our reality), sets in motion added mental maturing. As a result, under the stimulation and the promise of our sentience, our tendency is to each then begin to construe or to create an individual path of our personal existence toward the outcomes in our human evolution that we hope to execute.

The existence of our sentience and the promptings to the recognition of our larger reality that it provokes, leads each of us to see our living as being an opportunity to use our selections of time and effort commitment, to make emerging existence more sublime to ourselves and to those who share in it.

Therefore, for normal humans, living does not merely incorporate a time-housed venue which allows the referenced individual, opportunities to succeed in the acrobatics of acquiring more and more money (through various means of legitimated inter-personal and environmental financial exploitation). Accordingly,, to a normal (as compared to an artificial masquerading) human, living is not about the extent to which prevailing processes of financial accumulation will allow him/her to acquire sufficient money to be comfortably able to put on peacock-like displays of his/her opportunity to be alive.

Rather, as we adjust and accommodate to the sentience-provided glimpse of our bio-electric reality, a further process of our mental maturing is opened up, so that we also link our living to bio-electric achievement contexts (which are different from the adjustment to programming that artificial intelligence has been designed to do).

Significantly, under the stimulus of our latent human sentience, we each soon become intuitively aware that our living accompanies an (essentially cosmic) environment. Additionally, we recognize that in our living we each share in (and also have the opportunity to operate within) our membership in the bio-electric operations of a sentience grid.

This sentience grid also happens to be the pivotal nexus of (or is the foundation to) the possibilities for our human evolution, that are on offer to us as normal human beings. (What is feasible to any human-appearing artificial beings that may be muddying up the scene, is another matter; especially in this circumstance, when it is matters regarding our human roots that are calling for our attention)..

However, as our understanding has matured (so that we become aware of the presence of the sentience grid), we are also required to recognize that the broadened offered possibilities (for evolutionary living) that the sentience grid reveals to us, do not represent a free pass to our opportunities for human evolution.

Rather, the offer of human evolutionary possibilities that is placed before us by the sentience grid, is conditional. The condition is that we must be willing to practice empathy in our time and effort management behaviours, and we each must make choices that are guided by the principle of mutuality to each other and also to the remainder of our environment.

Yet, in contrast to this sentience-promoted requirement that we act with empathy and mutuality within bio-electric union to which our sentience links us, today, in the name of promoting economic growth in the local community as well as globally, there is a an emphasis where these features are ignored.

Under the direction of the predatory alien (non-human) intelligence that is behind the promotion of the capitalist doctrine, we are being programmed and conditioned into behaviours of exploitive self-centredness, toward securing the generation of net private financial increases, via market exchange operations.

Without question, a world economy which is based on the exploitive self centredness that the capitalist doctrine promotes, and that gives priority to the generation of financial profits, is not one that our sentience stimulates us to foster. Notably, too, exploitive self-centredness is not consistent with fostering the empathy and the mutuality attributes in behalf of our human development, to which our sentience points us.

We each therefore have to decide whether we are going to call on the mental and existential awareness that has accompanied our recognition of our bio-electric reality, as maturing as humans; or are going to succumb to chasing after the monetary achievements which the capitalist doctrine is promoting.

Our horizons also become broadened as our human minds begin to understand the blending to, and the joining with this larger material as well as existential reality, that beckons our potential for human evolution,. That understanding is very likely to allow us to come to recognize that any view of apparent operating separateness about ourselves, which we had construed since birth, is an illusion.

Our maturing sentience-prompted appreciation of our existence, and also of the bio-electric union that is our reality, leads us to a number of recognitions. For one, this maturing leads us to see that the humanness (which has accompanied the path of understanding along which we have come since birth), is a fraternal association, and is not an exploitive one. Furthermore this maturing that we develop arises within our recognition of our reality as a bio-electric union. We have therefore been led to become intuitively aware that we are linked to each other and also to our natural environment.

We have therefore been led to see that our human existence arises (or is played out) in a grid of potential awareness; connectedness; and of action possibilities; that operate through the sentience grid. This sentience grid is an operating bio-electric feature or concordance that links us to each other, to the components in our natural environment, and eventually to the cosmos.

This sentience grid therefore offers each of us a window of personally internalized co-ordinated information that presents us with a horizon of opportunities about where we are, and also where we may head out. There, we are offered vistas where we will be allowed to make choices that will give content to the living that we do. This provided horizon of vistas, that the sentience grid reveals to us, will also extend our awareness and our knowledge of our reality; our recognition of our mutuality; and also our awareness of our built in capabilities to make extended paths of activity emphasis within our reality

The sentience grid essentially presents each of us with an awareness and knowledge of the wider selections that arise from and also in the bio-electric union (that is our existence). In addition, we are being made aware that the selections which we make form the ambient widened opportunities to choose that are being revealed to us, also have the potential to lead us into paths of living that will allow us to extend our linkages to our reality and thereby arrive at the sublime realization of our human evolution.

Substantively, the sentience grid, offers us a map of roads to our human evolution (and to enhancement of the quality of our human existence), that is there on offer for each of us to embark on, if we so choose. However, that map of roads to our human evolution becomes recognizable and accessible to us, only after our maturing mind allows us to begin to make ourselves aware of our built-in sentience. It will then prime us to begin to accept the presence of the bio-electric union in which we share.

Accordingly, the sentience grid is not about leading us to find opportunities to make more money, that the predatory alien intelligence which is behind the capitalist doctrine wants us to concentrate on.

The path to our human evolution will become evident only after we begin to draw on our sentience-linked latent awareness about what substantively comprises and is offered to us in our human existence, It is only after entering into such a reflection (about what substantively comprises our existence), that we will become potentially able to begin to move into a focus on our opportunities and prospects for our human evolution, That is because on making such a reflection, we will become disposed to begin to free ourselves from giving overwhelming importance to the money-centred outcomes, that the prevailing predatory alien non human intelligence (which is behind the promotion of the capitalist doctrine),,has been acidulously conditioning us to pursue/.

Their principal operating instrument which this predatory alien (non-human) intelligence (and its agents) has been using, is its capture of the system of formal and informal education and of mass communications also.

The (human appearing) agents of this entity have also infiltrated (and now dominate) the other principal instruments of our societal cohesion and societal building. That includes our governments, the institutions of prevailing organized religion, and the military industrial complex, The result is that rather than contributing to a flow of information about how our human evolution is being (or may be) further fostered, we will secure no such luck. Instead, the prevailing capitalism supporting instruments of societal building have now largely become instruments of disinformation that is propagated within the prevailing education and communications instruments.

As a result of the executed capture of these institutions of our societal formation and control, (within the propagandized pretext of generating economic growth) the agents that are behind the promotion of the capitalist doctrine are essentially working to dominate and discombobulate normal humans. The domination technique is that of generating among normal humans, an underlying culture of anxiety about their personal survival, and that is also coupled with deliberate and accidental environmental destruction and exploitation, fear, and also repression, (of one sort or another).

That output mix, contrasts with the buoyancy of spirit in expectation of the fulfillment of our lives, which would arise when we enter together with the components of nature into the pursuit of our human evolution, (in awareness of the bio-electric reality that comprises our sentient human living),

Under the influence the bio-electric reality of our sentience, our normal living is not portrayed by our success in making money. Rather, our normal living is portrayed in the mixes of joint operations that we undertake (with the remainder of the components of our reality), toward achieving the potential for the human evolution (as the enhanced blending with our reality, that our built-in sentience shows us as being available to each of us).

Prevailing global commitments of our managed time and effort (that comprise an economy) could be correspondingly focussed toward fostering our human evolution.

However, currently, to keep us focussed on the money-making and the exploitation track, the capitalist-promoted institutions are now bombarding us around the clock with reports on business that tell us of prevailing active profit-centred operations, by capitalists together with the commercial banks.. .

In spite of the power over our social conditioning, that entities under the control of the predatory invading intelligence currently wield, we have to make a start, if we aim to access our opportunities for human evolution,

Each of us will need to first begin to focus on the extent to which our actions (toward each other, as well as toward to our natural environment), are guided by empathy and mutuality This means that we will each need to begin to focus on how we are using our effort and time commitments to initiate and to foster the bio-electric bonds with each other and with our natural environment, out of which our opportunities for our human evolution will begin to emerge.

However, in the earliest phases we will have to adapt our efforts to a reality where (toward sustaining the flow of financial profit), the predatory alien intelligence behind the capitalist doctrine has also lead governments to designate the features of the natural environment (as well as its outputs), as vendible property. In those circumstances, greed-motivated capitalists are legitimated to use those renewable and non renewable features of the environment, to generate financial profits, (for themselves and for meeting the appropriate political contributions).

It is only after we decide that our living is about our opportunities to secure human evolution, and is not merely about the success of our operations in producing and marketing profitable outputs, that we are likely to begin to reappraise what our opportunity to participate in human living is all about.

When we decide to go about that type of reappraisal of where our efforts are being directed, the focus which John Lennon (of the Beatles pop-group) provided in his song Imagine all the People, is a good starting position.

Another down to earth broadened focus on the appreciation of our roots, is offered to us in the reportage on the scholarship of the ancient Gnostic tradition, that is provided by John Lamb Lash(2006); Not in His Image: Gnostic Vision, Sacred Ecology, and The Future of Belie; (White River Junction, Vermont; Chelsea Green Publishing);. There, Lash tells us about how the Gnostic Scholars had warned us about the invading predatory alien intelligence (and for providing that information, as well as for apparently being able to identify these non human agents), the Gnostic Scholars were decimated by the instrumentality that was emerging in Christianity as an organized religion.

Additionally, there is the political economic focus regarding ownership of non-renewable resources, and also regarding the use of education and of commercial banking, which was elaborated by Horace Carby-Samuels (2007); Quality-of-living and Human Development as the Outcome from Economic Progress; (Ottawa, Canada; Agora Cosmopolitan Publishing; ISBN 189 703 6353)

We will also need to recapture the orientation of our governments, whose members (it appears), now overwhelmingly aim at enjoying the financial rewards which capitalism makes accessible to them. However, we will need to persuade the normal humans in our governments to begin to develop programs and institutions that give priority to fostering our opportunities to be successful in fostering our human evolution and development,

Trading is an important part of our reality (in a world where resources and talent are unevenly distributed). The use of money is also a critical component in successful trading However, we need to bear in mind at all times, that normal humans who enter into trades are also sentient beings that are on a voyage of discovery (about ourselves and about our reality), so as to be able to guide our blending with each other and with our environment

Contributing to the generation of negative emotions as a result of how our efforts are committed, is not likely to be a set of results at which normal humans will aim to generate from their production and trade operations. (Whether the predatory alien intelligence that promotes the capitalist doctrine, and any masqueraders in human form (that have captured the management instruments of our societal cohesion and growth, require flows of such negative energy and emotions, is another matter).

Our sentience-linked roots also require us to be continually mindful of our community roots. That is why we must resist the use of our educational and communications system, so as to (in the name of science) overlook our community linkages, and to instead accept ourselves as separable independent (functioning) individuals

If it is our aim to enter the path of human evolution (that our sentience is inviting us to pursue), our refusal to accept the scientific subterfuge (about our existence as individuals), is the only route to our liberation.

For example, although the rays of the sun penetrate and display themselves through respective niches and crevices, these rays are no more separable from the sun, than each normal human is, from his/her sentience roots. We must therefore resist and must cease to operate as merely individual money-chasing implements (human capital) that may be used to exploit each other and also the natural environment, (if a few bucks can be made in the process).

The prevailing imputed scientific proposition, (about our independent behaviour and decision-making and actions), happens to be a management and control technique which alien (non-human) intelligence that is behind promotion of the capitalist doctrine is using. Specifically, this entity is aiming to distract us from being either aware or mindful of our presence on the sentience grid, (that in fact reminds us of our community linkages, and also that communicates to us messages of our opportunities to pursue our human evolution.

The capitalist emphasis on us as being money chasers will be held in check as long as we are mindful that the quality of our living is about the opportunities that we have to participate in informed time and effort management. It should not be difficult or us to see ourselves as executing a shared participation in our reality, toward securing the opportunities for our human evolution that accompanies our decision to remain alive

In such circumstances of willing acceptance of our communality, we will therefore find it easy to refuse to make ourselves indifferent to our sentience-guided mandate, (that we practice empathy and mutuality with each other,(and also with the other components (which make for the bio-electric union that happens to be our shared existence)

Of course, there is no quick fix remedy program that will place us on a survival path toward our human evolution. Rather, we are called upon to bear in mind that the sentience grid has on offer to each of us, an evolutionary path that requires us to work together empathetically and co-operatively (so as to gain the knowledge that will enable us to execute our living as sentience guided voyages of discovery).

However, we also need to bear in mind that smooth and extensive trading (to compensate for the uneven distribution of resources and skills), becomes possible only where cash/currency quotations and offers become acceptable. Otherwise, we are likely to find ourselves condemned to live in a world of inter-group brutality and predation (toward resource and territorial acquisition), that the late Robert Biglow (1969); The Dawn Warrior: Mans Evolution Toward Peace; (Little. Brown & Company (Canada) Limited; LCC 76 79365); elaborated as being the route along which our human civilization has so far come.

Therefore, the challenge is to find a currency which accommodates (or which can be used to state) the exchange price, in terms of the expected impact on opportunities for human evolution, that the potential buyer or seller will want to quote when a transaction is proposed. However, if we are to begin to countenance a quotable impact in terms of our potential for human evolution, we will particularly also have to awaken our sense of the bio-electric community in which we share our existence.

If we are to execute a global economy which will also promote our human evolution, we will need to awaken and evolve a survival-centred understanding of ourselves, and also our environment. We also need to make ourselves aware that the bio-electric union that is our built in latent sentience, is essentially inviting us to commit our efforts and time to the development and management of an economy, where we are able to acquire the knowledge to bring about the human evolution (as the birthright that beckons us).


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