Manipulative Extraterrestrials with Elites instigate Armageddon Equation

It is apparent that Manipulative Extraterrestrials have sought to give us, as humans, the “tools” for our species destruction. Dr. Michael Salla has referred to that group operating on Earth as the Military-Industrial-Extraterrestrial Complex or MIEC of interests.

Every society of reasoning beings has the capability to invent a way of destroying itself. Because we have such a capability we need also to invent or discover and then choose to accept, a set of inviolable principles, or "rules", which prevent us from destroying ourselves. So every reasoning society is in a race, a race between their technological advancement and their ethical advancement. If they discover how to destroy themselves before they discover a context of being which prevent them destroying themselves, then they risk self annihilation.

As humans, we must therefore appreciate "the rules" of self preservation before we can reach a point in which we could destroy ourselves. We can represent our precarious position in mathematical terms as follows:

Stability = Ethics - Technology

This is what we call the Armageddon Equation. The stability of our Society is the gap between our ethics and our technology. If our ethics is at a higher state of development than our technology capabilities, our technology will not be a threat to our well being. However, if the technology we posses is more developed than our ethical development, then we may seek to use that technology to advance an agenda that is destructive to our human civilization. Dr. Martin Luther King, the late U.S. civil rights activist, described this very situation, observing that we have guided missiles and misguided men.

Ethical Extraterrestrials have apparently sought to avoid providing even their most trusted contactees, with technology which could exploited by elite interests to oppress humanity. In contrast, Manipulative Extraterrestrials have apparently pursued “treaties” with human operatives which apparently involved “technology”. These artificial intelligence-based technologies have apparently been adopted by militaries and are apparently being implemented under the “cover” of the War on Terror. The apparent goal of this process is a bleak “New World Order” operated under an alien managed Global Totalitarian Society.

In order for we, as humans, to avoid destruction through MIEC reported pursuit of an “Armageddon Equation“, it is vital that we, as humans elevate our ethical state of consciousness to match, and exceed, an enslavement and destruction context which is apparently as a result of elite interactions with regressive aliens.

Watch the video clip below from the movie They Live (1988).

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