Manipulative Aliens speak through Jesus and Bible Newspeak

Dr. John Lash on provides insights on the Ancient Pagan Gnostic having sought to warn humanity or inorganic lower dimensional aliens that would use the idea of God to express their own ego-driven agenda to exploit, destroy and assimilate humanity.

In The Hypostasis of the Archons the ancient Pagan Gnostic documented the following insights on regressive aliens that have sought to project themselves as God and through the Jesus character in the Bible:

Opening his eyes, he [the drakonic Archon] saw a vast quantity of matter without limit [spread through the galactic limbs], and he became arrogant, saying "It is I who am God [the sole deity of these regions], and there is no other apart from me." (Hyp Arch, 94:20)

What do the regressive aliens apparently what humans to think of Jesus?

Accept Jesus as your personal saviour and you'll get to fly up to heaven and be with him after you die." This is the battle cry of Evangelical Christianity, but how many Christians have actually taken the time to really think about what this heaven will be like?

Most people are attracted to heaven through fear of the alternative: HELL! That pit of everlasting fire. Certainly anything would be better than THAT! Or would it? Since heaven is the place where the saved will be spending the rest of ETERNITY, you better make sure it is where you want to be before you go buying your one-way ticket there.

What is heaven like?

Ask different people this question and you'll get different responses. Some will say that heaven is a place of eternal joy and love where you will live in peace with no needs or pain.

Traditional heavenly scenes show the spirits of deceased humans as angels with wings, white robes, and halos, sitting on clouds, strumming on harps and singing praises of hallelujah to God.

Is this what you want to be doing for the rest of ETERNITY?

Many believe that Heaven is a place where you will be reunited with your dearly departed ancestors, and that the family unit and memory of past experiences will continue on in this place, while others believe that all family ties become severed at the grave and in heaven there is only one big family.

After learning about God's approaching "New Jerusalem," it's apparent that God has different plans for those who join his collective than what they have been taught.

What is this New Jerusalem?

Apparently, it is the “Elenin Cube” hurdling to Earth: Please see:

Jesus claims that in heaven, all tears will be wiped away and all things will be made new. But as human beings we must have memory of our past experiences for our lives to have any meaning to us personally. If your memories were taken away, the person you were would cease to exist to you, so conscious memory of who you are (self-realization) is what gives your life true meaning. Some believe that when we die we are reincarnated into another life form and thus continue to recycle throughout time.

If this were true the past lives we lived wouldn't matter to us without a conscious memory of those past lives. There is no point in being reincarnated if we can't remember and make use of our past lives. Will you maintain your self-realization and memories in heaven? Not if you plan on having a life with no pain or suffering.

Who we are is based on our past life experiences, both joyful and painful, and the memory of a painful experience causes a re-living of the pain that memory involved. To live a life of no suffering would require that all memory of suffering be erased.

Who you were would have to be altered drastically in order for you to never suffer again. The person you know yourself to be right now could not exist in heaven. And what good does it do you to live for an eternity in harmony and peace if you can't remember your life experiences, the beauty of diversity, or the exquisite pleasures of the full spectrum of human experiences because you have lost awareness of who you were as an individual?

As individuals, we find pleasure in various ways, most of these involving the expansion of our knowledge and life experiences. For some of us that means learning as much as we can about a topic of interest or several topics of interest. For others it means getting out and experiencing the world; exploring the wonders of nature, space, sports and whatever else which may bring us slack.

Humans become weak if they are not challenged. Muscles atrophy if not stressed, so does the mind and the will. How long do you think it would take for strumming a harp and singing praises of hallelujah to become dull and boring?

Eventually, if we don't have a continually challenging and diverse environment, we will die, yet in heaven you cannot die. You will continue to live the dull existence of being a servant of God's will, unable to think or feel for yourself for year after year after year, ENDLESSLY.

This stagnation would not be heaven for human individuals it would be hell. Some religions believe that we do get to continue to progress into the eternities but even then we would eventually learn all there is to know and then what?

One episode of Star Trek Voyager addressed this dilemma when it had a member of the Q Continuum (a group of eternal, god-like beings) who had grown tired of the endless eternities because he had experienced all there was to experience and just wanted to commit suicide and not exist any longer.

Eternal stagnation is inevitable whichever path you take, but isn't it better to follow your own will into eternity instead of being a slave to some other being's will? There are worse fates than the sleep of the dead. Eternal stagnation as a slave of the collective will of God would certainly be worse than death.

God's heavenly goal is to surround himself with beings that are submissive, ignorant, dependent, blindly trusting (child-like) and committed to his will alone. (Matt. 18:3, 19:14, Mark 10:14-15, Luke 18:16-17)

What do you think God is REALLY planning to use these "sheep" for?

Jesus revealed what will happen to individuality in the collective of heaven when he prayed to God the Father, saying: "let them be ONE as you and I are one." (John 17:11,21-23) Individuality must die in the hive collective that will be heaven.

Star Trek series once shown the hideous and inhuman prospects of this collective mentality in their portrayal of the cyborgenic collective life form called "The Borg." The Borg have no individual wills or consciousness, they live only to serve the collective just as those in heaven will exist only to serve God. (Rev. 7:15)

When we examine what God's intentions must be if all he wants are beings which will praise him ceaselessly with no resistance we discover that his plan is to develop an efficient energy device.

The psychic/emotional energy which minds create in states of passion and submission is used by “God” as nourishment and power. The Bible reveals this throughout and shows us this fact in Revelations each time God is getting ready to display his power. Before he displays power, the members of the collective praise him and give him this power (Rev. 4:9-11, 7:9-12, 11:16-17,19, 14:3, 15:3-5,8, 19:4-7).

In fact when John attempts to worship the angel of prophecy, the angel tells him "don't do that!" and says he must send his worship energy toward the Godhead collective (Rev. 22:8-9). Any sort of resistance which would make the transmission of energy less efficient is forbidden in heaven (Rev. 21:26-27) because God wants as much efficiency as possible in his nourishment matrix.

The reason Jesus says that you must be poor and humble to gain entrance to heaven is that the rich know self-dependence and self-worth and would not be as easy to drain of their energy as those who are ready to give their all to the triune collective of the Godhead.

The poor shall be first because they will provide the most efficient energy without resistance. All the teachings of the Bible point to this conclusion: God is preparing an efficient energy source for his collective will. Will you be a willing cog in the feeding machine that is JHVH-1? "But won't I go to hell if I don't get into heaven?"

Fortunately, the evidence shows that hell is nothing but a threat that the God of the Bible has used to try to attract those who are easily manipulated by fear, lack of self-worth and dependence.

God doesn't want self-aware and self-reliant individuals in his heavenly matrix. Lucifer was able to see the error of following God and departed from the deceptive ways which God had planned for the earth. God didn't cause him to "fall" he left of his own accord as any self-respecting individual would do in the face of tyranny.

If God had the ability to cast Lucifer into hell or destroy him he would have done that when he had the chance instead of allowing Lucifer to supposedly torment God's chosen people throughout history.

The fact that Lucifer is free to upset the plans of the Collective “New World Order” of JHVH-1 shows that God doesn't have the power needed to contain him or other self-willed individuals. Lucifer was never afraid of the empty threats of Hellfire and damnation, you shouldn't be EITHER!

No, friends, the “God” of the Bible is NOT the creator of all things, he just wants you to believe he is. He wants you to think he is infallible so you won't question his actions.

He has created a "Heaven" for those who blindly submit to his manipulations so that he can continue to drain energy from them as a source of nourishment into eternity. If you believe that the “God” depicted in the Bible is the father of all mankind and that he really loves us as a father, you should also know that a truly loving and just creator would never allow for his children to be punished beyond what they deserve.

Any offence that men can commit in this finite existence can be paid for in a finite amount of time. Therefore the idea of an eternal lake of fire where people burn in anguish and torment forever is contradictory to the concept of a just, merciful and loving creator. If you want to believe in hell then you must admit that God is not just and definitely not very merciful or loving. And if you can admit that, then how could you live with yourself knowing that this is the being you will serve ETERNALLY?

The light of truth and reason tells us that the God who created the hive-colony energy-matrix called "heaven" has no power to put people into any lake of fire. The goal of the God of the Bible is to form a collective of same-minded life forces which he can use to strengthen his energy base and to expand the single will of "God" to all the universe like a cancer. The end result of this would of course be a void of sameness.

When all you have is an endless collective of sameness you have a void. Think about that for a minute. Without any diversity, all that exists is sameness. A void of sameness. The same as the void which the Bible claims existed before God poofed us all into existence. The ultimate goal of God is thus ANNIHILATION! We must resist returning to the annihilation of this void of sameness at all costs!

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