Ethical Extraterrestrials: Doctor says Dolphins helped heal her cancer

Are Dolphins Extraterrestrial Extraterrestrials? Alfred Lambremont Webre and other researchers suggest that Dolphins are Ethical Extraterrestrials who are on Earth to act as an “ambassador” with higher dimensional Ethical Extraterrestrial civilizations.

In the above video, Dr. Janet Coli indicates that Dolphins helped her heal her cancer through a dream-state consciousness.

In the above video, Dr. Colli's elaborates that her own cancer healed due to a dream about facilitating encounters between cancer patients and dolphins. That near-death experience in her early 30's ushered in a career as a psychotherapist.


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Dolphins are wonderful, intelligent co-habitants, but they aren't e.t.'s--any more than we are. Like humans, who emerged from avariety of apes (seen both today and in the fossil record) dolphins are merely one of many cephalopods that evolved on Earth. We also see fossil evidence for their evolution here. So, why do some people believe dolphins are e.t.'s? Perhaps because some gray alignment alien appear to have said that to a small
number of humans, quite possibly to convince them that intelligent life didn't really evolve here, but was planted (by the same aliens). Which is another lie.

But why (if they did) would such aliens try to convince non-scientists that dolphins are alien ambassadors left here (by aliens)? To make us think that those same aliens have
pre-rights to this planet, or to somehow convince those same humans that we aren't protectors of this planet, but those same aliens are. It might be yet another attempt to extinguish the notion of human rights and sovereignty in order to supplant it with the gray alignment's version. As Dr. John Mack and other abduction researchers point out, the grays' abduction and breeding program appears intended to create hybrids, here, on this planet for some bizarre reason.

Whatever you think about aliens (I know I sound very opinionated), please look at the fossil record, or at mahi mahi, whales, varieties of dolphins (showing millions of years of their evolution here, not a sudden insertion by aliens),
and dolphin genetics.

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