UFO · Exopolitics 1912 Views by Raymond

UFO: New York, California orb formations foreshadow archons

A New York witness reports a triangular formation of orbs on 12 June 2012 according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database. In California a different witness reports an apparent corresponding triangular formation of three orbs on 9 June 2012. These sightings are consistent with ancient Pagan Gnostic-described activities linked to the “Archons”. Such archontic activities have been associated with 9/11, and an alleged alien plan to contrive World War III, based upon diverse investigative research.

In New York, a witness describes what he was doing before the UFO sighting.

“My wife Jen was feeding our newborn son at 4:00 am when she notice a light out in the distance over the street lights.”

The witness described the colour and the movements of the object or entity.

“It was a glowing light orange that looked to be hovering or moving very slowly.”

More information?  Go to: http://www.examiner.com/article/ufo-new-york-california-orb-formations-foreshadow-archons?cid=db_articles


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