Witness says UFO moves out of North Carolina cloud formation

A North Carolina witness in Caldwell County reports watching an "extremely long craft emitting lights" that moved out of a cloud formation on July 7, 2012, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The witness was outside smoking a cigarette when a light flashed onto the ground "from pink to blue." The witness assumed this was lightning and continued to watch the sky.

"When this happened I noticed the surrounding area of the ground light up," the witness stated. "So now I knew that something up there was causing this phenomenon. So I continued to lay there on the hood of my car and watched as it flickered a fourth time."

After the light flashed a fourth time, the witness then noticed a shape moving out of the cloud.

"I see this long, dark shape come from out of the cloud on the left side. It was extremely long and on its side I could see a string of yellow and white lights that barely gave it a silhouette. But I could tell the bottom was not flat. It was slightly curvy, but not rounded. Almost wavy you could say."

Go to: http://www.examiner.com/article/witness-says-ufo-moves-out-of-north-carolina-cloud-formation

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