UFO: Red Deer, Alberta witness reports entity with tail

A Red Deer, Alberta witness reports seeing a flying entity or object with a tail. The sighting was made on 15 December 2012 and reported on the Alberta UFO Study Group database.


"I was driving on highway 21 south about 5 km away from hwy 12, with a friend when we both noticed something in front of us come shooting straight down from the sky with a tail behind it."


The witness reported the additional movements of the entity or object.


"About 3-4 seconds later it stopped in mid air and a flat white object came off it it and slowly drifted to the right the trail."


The witness further described the appearance of the entity or object.


"It was white and long and flat, but you could see the sun glistening off of it. I pulled over at the hwy 12 junction as it suddenly shot to the left of the trail and slowly went out of site. The trail turned into a cloud after. I only have an iPhone and was the driver no time for pics."


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