UFO: Indiana resident witnesses alien homeworld

An Indiana witness reported to the Mutual UFO Network database on 25 January 2013, that they witness the destruction of the homeworld of the aliens that have allegedy abducted humans for experimentation according to Alex Collier.  Mr. Collier is a voluntary contactee of Ethical Human Extraterrestrials.

I feel a little background is required before I tell this story. I have read over 3000 ufo books. The Greys abducted me alot. They asked me ufo questions. On March 10, 2009 I was getting ready for bed. Tonight would be the last night I was ever abducted. A grey walked into my bedroom and thought to me follow me. I followed it, it was so strange because they had never revealed themselves while I was awake. It wanted to show me something. We went to its craft.

We flew to its homeworld then out to a point in space. The grey initiated an OBE and told me I had one hour to learn all I could about a ship approaching its homeworld. There was two alien species aboard. I spend 55 minutes studying the species I was not familiar with.

Afterwards, I watched helpless, as this ship destroyed the greys homeworld. After much debate, I was brought back. The entire thing happened in about 8 hours. I have not been abducted since. I was fully conscience during the entire time.

The ancient Pagan Gnostics have described lower dimensional entities as taking souls by theft, and as having "channeled" organized religion through Archons. This representation by this Indiana resident compares to... [UNLOCK the rest of  article.  Make a member pledge donation].

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