UFO: Orbs appear over Vancouver, Canada

A witness has reported sighting glowing orbs over Vancouver on 23 March, 2013 at 9:00 PM. This report has been obtained from a testimony included in the database of Mutual UFO Network (MUFON).

The witness begins the report by describing how he and 5 other people came across the object.

“Myself and 5 others were waiting outside rapid transit station, waiting for a shuttle for a casino. Looked up and spotted object.”

The witness describes the features of the object like sounds and lights.

“The object was soundless and had no defining features. No other lights seen, just a burning orb.”

The witness then describes the movement and direction of the object. He also talks about the appearance and movement of another object.

"Appeared to ascend to the cloud-line and then moved slowly north. At this time, another had appeared in the spot of the original and hovered, then slowly ascended through the cloud cover and seemed to dissolve."

He further describes the reaction of the 6 people who witnesses the objects.

“Myself and one other were fascinated; the rest of our party paid little attention.”

The witness describes the position of the objects and also talks about a similar sighting in the past.

"These objects appeared to be directly above us, but there was no fear, only curiosity. Myself and the other witness had seen something similar about 1 year prior."

Finally, the witness describes how he and another person had witnessed similar objects in the past, at the same location and describes how the object traveled to north and disappeared.

“Oddly, we witnessed the same type of orb above the same area and airspace, at about the same time of night but from 5 km north. At that time, the object we saw seemed to fizzle out as it moved to the east.”

The above quotes were edited for clarity.

MUFON requests the readers to keep in mind that many reports of UFO sightings can be explained scientifically as natural phenomenon.


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