Boston Marathon tragedy suggests Archons at work

Why would individuals who have no apparent track record of extremism turn to such an apparent "terrorist act"?  And, how do individuals who neither have a military background nor training in explosive devices prove to be such a challenge to a major U.S. city police force?  

What explains the apparent instantaneous transformation of a well established pattern of behaviour that was described by the parents of the terrorists?

In the above video, Dr. Michael Salla alleges the existence of shapeshifting entities.  He also alleges that elites have sought to "hide truth in plain sight" through science fiction. 

If that is the case, it may be notable that in the below video clip, the science fiction TV episode called "Fringe" has depicted shapeshifting entities and accompanying alien directed mind control techniques by Archons. 

Archons are a reported silcon-based artificial intelligence that humans have enabled to infiltrate the collective consciousness.  Archons can manipulate individuals who then act in uncharacteristic ways that can apparently frustrate mainstream law enforcement agencies.

Listen to what the mother and father of the Boston Bombers said about her sons before they were targeted by the Global Elite New World Order mind gamers.

“My son used to call me and ask me, ‘How are you, Mama? Mama, we love you. Mama, how are you? We miss you,” she told RT America. “It’s impossible for both of them to do such things. I’m really, really, really, really telling that this is a setup.”

"It is a provocation of the special services who went after them because my sons are Muslims and don't have anyone in America to protect them," said the elder Tsarnaev, adding his boys had no training in handling firearms or explosives.” “Give up. Give up. You have a bright future ahead of you,” he told ABC News. “Come home to Russia.”

“They were set up! They were set up!” the dad told The Associated Press.

Their father said he was often in contact with his sons — and they even chillingly told him a few days ago: “Everything is good, Daddy. Everything is very good.”

An exopolitics researcher who uses the name "Personal Private" indicates: "We have to realize that those groups behind these home grown terrorist movements are the Global Elite New World Order Gurus along with the archons who preside over organized religion."

Personal Private alleges that "alien hybrid bloodlines are mind gaming the masses and in some cases creating home grown terrorist cells."  Personal Private also further alleges that archons have sought to parasitize the minds of human hosts who then are used to act out a regressive alien agenda associated with religious prophecy.


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