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Extraterrestrial Curiosity: Are there objects on Mars ?

What you have not seen yet from MarsYou can not ignore the Curiosity rover-lab has already taken more than 90,000 images of the soil of Mars. He joined other NASA robots on the red planet in August 2012 and sent its pictures consistently.


Day after day, dozens of images are taken from the surface of Mars and transmitted by the Curiosity rover-lab, in black and white or in color. Most of the photographies represents the landscape, and sometimes you only see what there is in front of the wheels. Anomalies by Curiosity Among the images, a large number show what is called Martian anomalies.


We can look at their so particular forms and could always be surprised by the important number of discoveries we see.Under our eyes are many stones or perhaps objects, some seem to have really been there on the red planet, since a long time. Each week are new results, and of course, we can not expect to find the same thing on Mars than on Earth. 


It is possible to discover amazing images related to Archeology or Geology and to see these new findings with open minded eyes. But do not think a fantastic discovery may not also coming soon... To prove it, here are pictures showing some rocks who looks like objects and who could have really been "Made in Mars". (Crops from JPL/NASA images)


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