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Alien Spacecraft and Life Found On Mars

Mars, the red planet, has long since been a source of fascination for all earthly beings primarily because it is believed to be the only other planet in the solar system apart of ours to support life. Although there are plenty of indications that life might have existed on Mars and yet there has not been any visible attempt to extend a hand of friendship towards earthlings – or is it truly so?

There is a genre of researchers like John Lash, Scott Waring, Laura Magdalene Eisenhower and Robert M. Stanley who propound the theory that not only is the solar system beyond the earth inhabited but that contact has been made too. However, far from being open and friendly, it is that of the covert kind wherein inorganic and inter-dimensional entities called Archons have evaded our biosphere by residing within human minds and corrupting our thought process.

On a broader perspective, this theory does not appear as far-fetched as it might sound the first time owing to one fact which is immediately apparent namely that our earth is the only organic biosphere which is supportive of healthy and flourishing life forms. The rest of the solar system, particularly planets like Mars and Saturn, has served as an ideal breeding ground for inferior and negative life forms like Archons courtesy of its inorganic nature.  

Evidence in support of this theory has emerged through Nag Hammadi, ancient Pagan Gnostic scrolls found in Egypt. In the opinion of Robert Stanley and Laura Eisenhower, Pagan Gnostics, through their way of viewing and studying the world, were able to comprehend an alien invasion wherein the Archons assumed two forms – a reptile and a human embryo.

John Lash, a well-known expert of this theory, puts forward the reasoning that Archons existed in the solar system long before life sprang on planet earth. Given their inorganic nature, it was not difficult for them at all to maintain a dominant presence on the Sun, Moon, Earth and other celestial entities which they ruled as Cyborgs. As per Gaia mythology, creation of life and positivism on Earth is attributed to Sophia, the aeon, while the remaining universe was left out of the process and thus turned into a verdant atmosphere for Archons to rule and propagate.

This is but the cosmic level and it is followed by two more levels namely Noetic-Psychological and Sociological. In the former, the inorganic Archons, although an independent species invade our mental systems and distort the natural empathetic programming to the point of blocking all good sense and replacing it with insidious objectives. Sociologically, Archons prompt human beings to construct social order and indoctrinate society at large thus destroying the power to think.

All we need to do is take stock of the current scenario as also peek at the history of the world to realize that these claims definitely hold a grain of truth and that conquest has been slow but steady through the eons. 


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