UFO · Exopolitics 4616 Views by JD91

Manipulative Alien Activity Witnessed Over Oshawa, Canada.

Date: 14 March, 2016.

Place: Oshawa, Canada.

Through history, humans have always been afraid of the unknown. This is an instinctive reaction that dates back to hundreds of thousands of years ago, when our primitive ancestors would face any sort of hidden threats (from big, wild beasts, to other humans).

However, in spite of the scientific and technological advancements that modern society has been able to develop, this fear still has deep roots in our subconscious. This explains why the protagonist of the following story was so horror-stricken after his experience.

On 14 March 2016, UFO specialised web page MUFON.com received a report from an unknown man from Oshawa, Canada, who affirmed having watched “a genuine transmission from different types of ET’s from a UFO or another planet”.

He said he was watching a weather report on “digital channel 49.1, a Buffalo channel”, when he saw “in the bottom right corner [of the screen] this weird looking baby head”. Then, “1 or 2 ‘beings’ that look ‘reptilian’ but small sized” appeared on the transmission. According to him, these entities seemed to be “communicating to each other”.

The day following the incident “I slept all day, I just couldn't keep my eyes open and haven't felt normal yet”, the Oshawa resident declared.

“[I]continue to feel scared as I make this report”, he stated.

Draw your own conclusions…

For further information: http://mufoncms.com/cgi-bin/report_handler.pl?req=view_long_desc&id=75190&rnd=

Long Description of Sighting Report  

look like a et or reptilian but you can tell it is what who or what was currently playing on tv just distorted which was not the case at all this time which is why I really focused on it and it froze just like the pictures will send but it d do didn't distort like usual With lines everywhere and being barely visible, this was earily clear, so here I will kind of describe the best I can and I will post the pics in order now I dont have a before pic as I knew not what was about to happen but will explain what was on before the incident and I the first pic will be a photo of the whole screen and then pics with different angles (please notice in the bottom right of the pics, I have one zoome in pic of it there I is four heads, one looks eerily like me, then a reptilian type, then one im not sure and on the very bottom a humanoid baby and there really small especially to the main entity) and the last pic will be of what came on as soon as the "transmission ended. -So I am watching digital channel 49.1 a buffalo channel and the show that was on finished and a news weather update came on and as the guy is pointingCamera staring directly into the camerea and I could hear him breathing and I was frozen in fear until I seen in the bottom right corner this weird looking baby head and I immediately picked up my cell phone and taking pics. I noticed the other beings after. The next day I slept all day I just couldn't keep my eyes open and haven't felt normal yet and starting getting axious ant continue to feel scared as I make this report and my tablet has been acting up, freezing and misspelling words which I never do but I feel it should be reported and I know its not what you guys normally deal with but don't know who else to report it too. Thank youaway to his green screen the t flashed for a second and then as you see in the pic showed up and it seemed frozen and I thought it would pass but I started panic attacking and it felt like I was being watched so I look closer and It was impossible not to see because there is a creepy human looking guy kneeling down resting his elbow on something directly in front of thes mentioned before this is not the first time this has happened before but never was I able to get photos of the "transmission" and even though it was only 1 minute and 23 seconds (exact time give or take 1-2 seconds) it never lasted that long. Also this is coming through my television and I use a digital tv antenna that is all, no sattelite, cable, no wifi and I dont even have a landline telephone. The first thing that I noticed happens before this occurence is lots of static electricity and lots of it, then the tv signal will go out or become distorted (like it does somewhat regularly as it is a antenna and its nothing extraordinary) and eventually I notice usu usually 1 or 2 "beings" that look "reptilian" but small sized and they seem to be comunicating to each other not facing the screen, and its only a few flashes of them maybe 4 secons each flash and maybe 45 seconds everything is gone static and all as well I never felt threatened, if anything I felt a overwhelming sense of comfort? Now that happened 3 times before basically exactly same way, I should add though this was a different apartment and the last time it occurred was about 1 year ago. Now this time the static never came but 5 minutes before I felt really uneasy for no particular reason I just figured it was the weather as it was fairly stormy and the t TV had been distorting a lot due to the weather a and honestly sometimes the digital picture will freeze and distort and sometimes make someone on the tv

This text was 3 different sections copyand pasted so they may not have bbeen in order, sorry.


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