UFO · Exopolitics 3165 Views by JD91

Alien-Related Abductions Reported in the United Kingdom

Date: 15 May, 2016.

Place: City of London, United Kingdom.

On 15 May, a London citizen published on UFO specialised website MUFON.com a report about a series of eerie operations that have been developing in secret in the English metropolis. According to his testimony, he has been continuously “abducted by an entity group including the police and psychiatrists doctors”.

The witness related that these unknown people “carried out unclear assessment” on him, and then took him to “a mental health hospital” where presumable “UFO operations have been taking place” since April, 2016.

The alleged victim said that strange weapons had been tested on him, too. “They [the unknown individuals] have been using different weapons on me that can kill me, including fire guns that burned me from my head to toe”.

He denounced that whenever he tried call out for help, they usually told people that he had “mental health problems”. He also added that he felt exasperated since “there is not any witness rather than the people that abducted me in the building”.

“The experience is a horrific event”, he stated. “Their operations never stop in the hospital, they continue the UFO operation”, he advises.

Draw your own conclusions…

For further information: http://mufoncms.com/cgi-bin/report_handler.pl?req=view_long_desc&id=76380&rnd=

Long Description of Sighting Report

I was abducted by entity group including the police, psychiatrists doctors. They carried out unclear assessment on me afterwards then dropped in a mental health hospital. Where the UFO operations have been taking place in my environment. Since 26/04/2016.They have been using different weapons on me that can kill me. Including Fries guns that burning me from my head to toe. Because the police are involved in the criminals activities very difficult for me to get help. Before this entity group visited my address on the 26/04/2026, they were already entrapped me in the address that I provided in this report. And the operations of harassment including UFO operations used on me to turture me and frustrating me psychologically. And including terrorist attacks. Their operations never stop in the hospital, they continue the UFO operation. When I called out for help, they told the people that trying to help me that I have mental health problems. These criminals never say exact damage they are causing to my body and my health. Because of the nature of the crime so very easy for them to deny and manipulate people that the crime is not taking place. I am the witness of my crime there is no any witness rather than the people that abducted me in the building. And there no any cameral fixing in the hospital to record the crime event. The experience is an horrific event. And all the criminals in the abuse activities trying everything they can do to cover up the crime.


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