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Planet X: NASA Astronomer Confesses to Second Sun

Date: 11 May, 2016.

Place: not mentioned.

For hundreds of years, astronomers have been incessantly looking for “a lost planet” that could be the key for a better understanding of our Solar System. However, the search always seemed to be empty, until this year.

On a video published by YouTube user Jacob Israel, famous astronomer Paul Cox confirmed the existence of Nibiru (this is one of the names given to the lost planet), and also affirmed that “a second Sun” has already been discovered, yet NASA has covered up this information.

These two discovering have allegedly been made during Mercury’s transition, two weeks ago.

“You may be asking yourselves ‘What is that large, round thing to the right of the Sun?”, declared the astronomer, while showing some of the photos of the transition. “Well, it is the second sun”, he continued.

“NASA and other organisations usually hide that stuff away, but there is, there is the truth”, he claimed.

On this issue, ufologist Scott C. Waring, from UFO Sightings Daily commented: “This [is] astronomer Paul Cox works for Slooh, an organization with close ties to NASA. He says there is a second sun. The truth is often stranger than fiction”.

Draw your own conclusions…

For further information: http://www.ufosightingsdaily.com/2016/06/famous-astronomer-breaks-silence-about.html

NASA Astronomer Breaks Silence About Nibiru? May 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of video: May 11, 2016

Maker of video: Jacob Israel

Here is some deep thoughts about Nibiru. We have talked about Planet X for over 5 years here and just last month NASA admitted that there is a 9th planet out there with a 10,000 to 20,000 year orbit. They said the evidence exists to back it up that there is a ninth planet.

This astronomer Paul Cox works for Slooh, an organization with close ties to NASA. He says there is a second sun. The truth is often stranger than fiction. Tell us your thoughts about Planet X in comments below.

Scott C. Waring


Jacob Israel of Youtube states:

The internet is buzzing about famous Slooh Observatory Astronomer Paul Cox, and his curious comments about a Second Sun, Nibiru and that NASA is covering up both... After being coincidentally/miraculously inspired or led to find out more about Nibiru months ago, and after dream after dream motivated me to take all of this "coicidence" seriously I began looking into Nibiru, the Annunaki and more... After sharing my recent video on the topic I have been blown away at all of the ACTUAL EVIDENCE pointing the world slowly to such... but these comments made by Slook http://live.slooh.com/ should not only make us all pause and take in the enormity of what this means for everyone on planet earth, but also why it feels like yet another cover up.... The TRUTH shall set us free...  


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