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Alien Spacecraft Witnessed Using Laser Light in Arizona

A witness has reported sighting an alien spacecraft in Sedo, Arizona on 23 June, 2016. This report has been obtained from a testimony included in the database of Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) and was posted on 26 June, 2016.

The witness begins the report by describing what he was doing at the time of the sighting.

“On the night of 6-23, my dad and I started watching the sky around 10:15pm right out in the dark street in front of the house.”

He talks about pointing his laser at the cloud directly above and tells us how it illuminated.

“I started to point my laser at the cloud directly above me seeing if I could see the laser on the cloud at all. I held it on the cloud for a min, blinked it a couple times then before I knew it something illuminated in in the cloud right next to where I pointed my laser.”

He says that the object was so bright that was intimidating for them.

“The object in the clouds would glow so bright it was intimidating. My dad and I froze, and just watched.”

He talks about the behaviour of the object.

“It would light up every ten secs or so illuminating the cloud around it then moving a short distance before illuminating again.”

He then tells us that the object illuminated a few more times and moved out of the cloud and into night sky and then moved west. He further tells that they saw it disappear in the dark.

“We could see it glowing more orange in the distance appearing and disappearing in the dark.”

Finally, the witness talks about spotting the same object the next day.

The next night my mom and I spent some time outside looking at the sky again and after some time I believe we saw the same object off at a distance over the mountains for just a min or two.


The above quotes were edited for clarity.

Have you ever seen a UFO hiding behind clouds? Comment and let us know.




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