UFO · Exopolitics 2619 Views by Daisy

UFO: Bright Object Spotted Flying past the Moon in Ontario, Canada

UFO stories and testimonies have been the highlight of most Canadians as they excitedly and fearfully narrate each incident with bewildered joy in their eyes. For those who are often alone the ordeal can be frightening but for those who are lucky to have another person witness the same thing the experience becomes more believable each day.

Recently, a mother and daughter duo witnessed another UFO in Wikwemikong. The incident occurred at approximately 5.30 a.m. in July 20, 2016.

“I was coming out of the house when all of a sudden I noticed a bright light fly across the path of the moon,” the witness stated. “I was joining my mother for coffee by the deck when all this happened. I quickly put down my coffee and took photos before the object could disappear.”

The witness was not sure at first what she was seeing but she later came to the conclusion that it was an UFO. She managed to capture two images of the object via her phone camera.

“The object flew in a straight line with no sound and continued in a south west direction until it was no longer observed.”

The witness and her mother were excited to see the object and quickly resorted to post the images on Facebook to see if anyone had seen the same thing.

The object is said to have disappeared from their location as it flew away.

It is not every day that you get to witness such but when you do you better get the facts right plus some photos and videos if possible.

A report was made on MUFON on August 3, 2016.

Further investigations are still ongoing as most UFOs can be simply explained by something man-made or natural. So, no need to panic or get excited.


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