Facebook's Social Engineering scam: RFID tracking

In an innocuously titled article "Water parks and resorts using RFID to capture precious memories", RFID News reported some weeks ago that a chain of North American indoor water park hotels are using RFID wristbands to allow guests to take photos at kiosks, which are then automatically uploaded to their Facebook profiles.

Though this method of taking a family photo while on vacation may seem harmless, the article also adds, "...the wristbands also serve as guests' room keys and in-house charge accounts".

This is just one example of how Facebook is being used to acclimate the public to the surveillance state, with some people excitedly (and unknowingly) embracing it and others surrendering to it merely for the sake of convenience.

(OPEDNEWS) -- Facebook has been partnering with companies to promote RFID technology for years in an attempt to market wristbands that track you, (a step before microchips being placed under your skin), as somehow being the next step in societal evolution instead of an elaborately maintained invisible chain yanking civilization backwards into a new form of slavery.


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