Canada’s national identity: A Progressive Cosmopolitan Community - Silent Auction on Collector’s Book
What is your bid on the book National Identity in Canada and Cosmopolitan Community? "The question of national identity in Canada has been an enigma in the experience of Canadians. As a society, the country continues to be hindered by a historical context, evading exposure in the prevailing environment and eroding a vital identity. The term 'national identity' expresses a state of societal maturation that Canada appears to critically lack. National Identity in Canada and Cosmopolitan Community explores an 'enforced state' of societal immaturity that works against a milieu of national civic unity in Canada." As quoted from the Chapters/Globe and Mail National Newspaper internet site. Help support our fundraising. You can acquire this book through our silent auction. The base bid for this book is $24.00 plus $10.00 for shipping. We are auctioning off books in our Library, so that we can keep the lights on at The Canadian. We need to raise $10,000.00 for basic operation expenses like website hosting, rent, and utilities. So far we have raised $800.00.
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