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Ticket to Essay Writing Success – Expert Recommendations

In their academic career, all the students are faced with the necessity to write an essay. Considering the amount time and efforts necessary for the preparing a good essay, this is obviously not the task most students love. It requires developing a thesis, main points, and arguments, and correctly formulating ideas on the paper. This is, of course, not easy to do. But we are here to ease an essay writing process and provide you with a couple of tips and recommendations.

If you want to work on an essay yourself, without involvement services like essay box, you should pay attention to the following:

  1. Thesis – When choosing a quote for an essay, you need to be sure that you understand its meaning. Think about whether you will be able to express your own opinion on the matter, to argue the argument or to agree with it, justifying your position.
  2. Clearness – You should formulate your interpretation of the main idea, which is based on your personal understanding and general impression of the quotation.
  3. Argumentation of your position – After the disclosure of ​​the thesis statement, the presentation of your opinion and rationale follows. In this case, you can completely agree with the statement or categorically refute the statement.

Justification of your opinion can be done on two levels: theoretical and empirical. A theoretical level requires scientific concepts, opinions of scientists, and traditional beliefs to be presented. On the empirical level, you can use your own experience to prove your main point. When using scientific terms, you should be sure of their correct understanding and appropriate use. It is not advised to overload the essay with terminology. Also, choosing any historical facts or events from personal experience, pay attention to their credibility in confirming your opinion, validity, and consistency.

The academic essay is a detailed and well-reasoned text devoted to a problem. This genre features a free form of writing. Thus, individual impressions and subjective considerations on a certain topic are important here. All the statements are to be supported by consistent examples, journalistic elements and artistic metaphors. An essay obviously does not pretend to be an exhaustive interpretation of the subject assuming the form of an “I-statement.” However, like any scientific text, an essay must be logical. It should contain the following elements:

  1. Statement of the problem in the introduction – What? Why? When? Here the writer should explain to the audience why the topic is to be discussed in the paper.

Apart from showing the importance of your topic in an essay in the introduction, you should also state the thesis or hypothesis that you want to deploy or prove. In this case, using quotes can be a good solution. Note, when using a quote of a researcher or philosopher explaining how he understands this or that thesis, you must always provide a link to the source of the quote.

  1. Examples and arguments – in order to support a thesis statement of your paper, it is necessary to support it with main points. Relevant examples, illustrations, scientific data will fit perfectly well for this purpose.
  2. Conclusions – having provided all the arguments, it is necessary to write a concluding paragraph where you sum up everything mentioned in a paper and restate a thesis statement to fix the result.

Of course, apart from the stylistic and structural details, a writer should also pay special attention to grammatical, stylistic, spelling mistakes. Remember that even the smallest mistake can spoil the general impression of your writing. Therefore, it is extremely important to proofread the paper several times before submitting it.


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