Top 5 tips to excel at online Bingo

Bingo is one of the most popular games around the world, growing into a highly competitive and fast-paced industry with a net worth of £1.3 billion, according to the UK Gambling Commission.

However, despite the declining number of bingo stores, online bingo outlets are increasing exponentially, due to the influence of technology in the gambling industry.

One reason forthe growth of online bingo in contrast to traditional bingo is the speed and convenienceof the game—with players being able to play from any location, whether in the comfort of their own home or on the go whilst commuting to work—as all that’s required is an internet connection.

With a growing number of smartphone users, studies have shown that in 2017, 66% of bingo players used a mobile phone to participate, and despite the availability of different devices to play online bingo, 65% tend to stick to one device, with a smartphone being the most popular choice at 35.5%.

In 2004, there were just 20 bingo websites in operation, according to the BBC. But currently, there are more than 350 bingo websites—with more additions expected to come.However, before you decide to join the online bingo community, here are some important tips to increase your chances of winning.

1.  Ensure that you’re playing for the right reasons

Just like most games that can be gambled on, online bingo is largely based on pure luck than any specific skill or a better sense of judgement. However, there are still some ways that can help you increase your chances of winning.

Regardless, when you choose to play bingo, let if firstly be for the pleasure and joy that it gives and not just for the sake of winning. Online bingo is a lot more about the experience and the community as against wanting larger financial gain—upholding this attitude would most likely guarantee success in the game.

2.  Verify every online site before registering

There are many rogue gambling platforms online and in order not to fall for any scam, it is important to properly verify the site before registering.

Reputable online bingo sites like Kittybingo has garnered a lot of positive reviews from users—offering numerous bonuses and fasterpay-out.

3.  Place a daily limit on yourself

Despite the fun-filled nature of the game, it is important to never get carried away. Bingo is a game of both losses and gains and the best way to keep track of your profits is to set a daily budget for gambling.

Failing to put a threshold on your daily expenditure can easily lead to confusion, stress and repeated losses, ultimately sniffling the fun out of the game.

4.  Avoid playing multiple cards at once

Some online bingo platforms don’t place restrictions on the number of cards you want to play for a certain amount. But howevertempting it may be to play ten, eleven, or more cards, it is important to avoid playing multiple cards as it does little to increase your chances of winning.

Rather, playing multiple cards often leads to confusion on missed opportunities, Therefore, if you stick with 3 or 4 cards at any given time, it would be a lot easier to keep track of your games.

5.  Select the perfect time to play

While bingo is all about having fun, enjoying some financial rewards alongside is a great side attraction. Therefore, to increase your chances of winning, it is best to pick the right time to play.

For most people, weekends are the more convenient option and if you want to increase your chances of winning, it is best to find a site—and time—with lesser players participating. Basically, the lesser the crowded time slot, the higher your chances of winning.

“If you hope to win in bingo, it is important to understand the system of payment. Your best chance to win is to find the games that run in the worst atmosphere: anything that can reduce the number of players (or, more precisely, the number of cards in the game) will improve your chances,” said Chris Smith, author at KnowTechie.

“In online bingo, you can simply look for games with good pay and fewer participants (which is generally difficult, it is possible rather in little known bingo rooms).”


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