Food and Restaurants 2466 Views by Jani

Product Review: Amy's Vegetarian Baked Beans

I was in much anticipation of trying Amy's Vegetarian Baked Beans.  I'm a great fan of baked beans and look forward to them especially during the Spring cabane à sucre / Maple Sugar Shack Season.  However, on my rating scale I would give these baked beans only a 1.5 out of 5.

In my view, these baked beans are not the more flavourful I have had.  Overall, these beans were rather bland.

When cooking I also didn't get the baked bean smell that I'm used to.

The texture of these beans also seemed to be a bit off-putting.

Actually, in my view, Loblaws No-Name 'Beans in Tomato Sauce' tasted way better and are a lot cheaper.

I recently tried the Loblaws No-Name Version and ate much of the can in one sitting.

Whereas a couple of spoons of the Amy's Baked Beans was more than I needed.

You might ask, how could this be?

Just read the ingredient label.

The No-Name Beans in Tomato Sauce has just the right amount and balance of ingredients.

These are - "White beans, water, tomato purée, sugar, salt, mustard, onion powder, spices and garlic powder."

In contrast, Amy's has ingredients not needed in baked beans and appear to be resulting in a "weird" flavour profile.

These ingredients include "sunflower oil / safflower oil; apple cider vinegar, and grain vinegar" in the mix with "organic maple syrup, etc"?

Have you ever mixed "sunflower oil / safflower oil" with vinegars and added maple syrup and then added tomato purée and it tasted good?  I say "Yuck!" to that!

I'm getting indigestion just thinking of such a mixture of ingredients.  This is why it's always important to read the ingredient label.

But don't take my word for it.  Try them out anyway, and please feel free post your own comments below.


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