Ottawa: Restaurants and Bistros get new marketing boost

Ottawa residents spend millions of dollars each year for dining out. A number of restaurants, bistros and bakeries in Ottawa offer delicious and unique foods to their customers. However, there is a tough competition between them. That is the reason why, they are using different marketing techniques to get famous amongst their customers.

Using billboards, making banners and advertisement through the media are all promotional methods. Writing advertorials or 'sponsored reviews' is the newest and arguably most effective method of targeted advertising, and have been proven many times better than other methods.

Advertorials are written in a manner to make it look like a part of the content of a publication. People pay more attention to the reviews of others than upfront advertisement of a company. That’s the reason why, writing reviews and advertorials have become an important part of business promotion.

Now resto and bistros in Ottawa have access to which is a non-profit company that provides services throughout Canada and in many other countries. provides the services of professional writers who write reviews and advertorials about the products and the services of customers and publish them in print and electronic media which ultimately results in rapid boost of sales.


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