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Blood-sucking Alien Caught On Camera In Devon, England

Date: 12 October, 2016.

Place: Newton Abbot, Devon County, England.

On 12 October, the small English town of Newton Abbot, Devon, was the scene of a shocking event.

According to an article published on British online news site Mirror.co.uk, a local paranormal researcher affirmed to have had an encounter with “a blood-sucking alien” while doing a paranormal investigation.

The witness, John Mooner, expressed that he found the creature in a park. “I was doing some paranormal investigation looking for anything out of the ordinary and I had just walked around the woods when I saw someone standing there in the park”, he said. “It was as I got closer that I realised that it was no man. I had the shock of my life - it was a grey alien”, he expressed.

“The grey alien was just standing there blocking the way I was heading. I fumbled around with my pocket camera and quickly took a photograph before the AA batteries fell out of the camera's batteries compartment”, Mr Mooner related. “There was no time to pick up the batteries to take another photograph as the grey alien was now looking right at me”.

According to the paranormal investigator, the entity had “sporting 'classic looking' black eyes and an indefinite shape”.  “It had the classic looking black eye which freaked me right out”, he declared.

After staring at him for a while, the alleged alien being started moving towards him. “The grey alien then started floating in my direction. I jump back in fight and quickly turn around and started running like hell back through the woods”, Mr Mooner commented. He also said that he ran until he started “unaccountably 'coughing up blood'”.

The Devon resident expressed that this was “his closest encounter yet with an extraterrestrial after coming face-to-face with a non-human species”. He also affirms that “the incident was final proof he had been seeking for that aliens were alive and well on Earth - and were living in Devon”. He had previously registered other alien sightings, like “a spacecraft and the red haired pilot inside staring back at him” that he photographed earlier this year.

Draw your own conclusions…

For further information: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/ghost-hunter-left-freaked-out-9030396

Ghost-hunter left 'freaked out' after capturing 'blood-sucking alien' on camera

John Mooner came face-to-face with an extraterrestrial being and attempted to flee but ended up coughing up blood - which he blames on the otherworldly invader.

A paranormal expert was left terrified after photographing what he believes was a blood-sucking alien that landed in Britain.

Ghost-hunter John Mooner says he had his closest encounter yet with an extraterrestrial after coming face-to-face with a non-human species.

He said he attempted to flee but ended up coughing up blood - which he blames on the otherworldly invader.

John, of Newton Abbot, Devon, described the spooky being as sporting 'classic looking' black eyes and an indefinite shape.

But rather than 'coming in peace' the grumpy creature fixed him with a stare and started floating around.

John said the incident was final proof he had been seeking for that aliens were alive and well on Earth - and were living in Devon.

He said: "I was doing some paranormal investigation looking for anything out of the ordinary and I had just walked around the woods when I saw someone standing there in the park.

"It was as I got closer that I realised that it was no man. I had the shock of my life - it was a grey alien.

"The grey alien was just standing there blocking the way I was heading. I fumbled around with my pocket camera and quickly took a photograph before the AA batteries fell out of the camera's batteries compartment.

"There was no time to pick up the batteries to take another photograph as the grey alien was now looking right at me.

"It had the classic looking black eye which freaked me right out.

"The grey alien then started floating in my direction. I jump back in fight and quickly turn around and started running like hell back through the woods."

John says he 'ran for miles' before he started unaccountably 'coughing up blood'.

Luckily for science and humankind he managed to take a picture.

John, who describes himself as the chief photographer for World UFO Photos, has taken several pictures over the years.

Earlier this year he says he also captured a UFO 'falling from the stars' - that looked like Mick Hucknall.

He spotted what he says was a spacecraft and the red haired pilot inside staring back at him.

And on closer inspection the face looking down on Earth is almost a spitting image of the Simply Red front man - who penned the lyrics 'I wanna fall from the stars.'

He said: "I was gobsmacked there was someone looking back at me. I almost dropped my camera with shock.

"To my amazement it had beautiful red permed hair that was reminiscent of the 80s. I could only just see the face it was hard to determine if this being was male or female."

Please watch the above video which elaborates on the testimony of Alex Collier who is an Extraterrestrial contactee who has sought to warn humanity that the 'Greys' are "energy vampires".


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