Muslims come together in Halifax to Help the Hungry

Muslims, belonging to the Halifax-area are sending out donations. More than $15,000 has been raised to help fellow lesser fortunate citizens. The fund and food aid were raised during the holy month of Ramadan.

The 3rd Annual Share the Spirit of Ramadan food drive collected donations up till June 18th at Mic Mac Mall. Before packaging and shipping them out on Saturday, July 8th from Feed Nova Scotia’s warehouse on the Bradford Highway.

“In the spirit of Ramadan, the month of sharing and giving back, we feel it’s important to be giving out to the community because we are one community,” said the organizer, Asile el-Darahali.

Donations this are going to a number of local organizations and charities including Feed Nova Scotia, Shelter Nova Scotia, Adsum House and Bayers Westwood Family Resource center among others.

“It’s definitely gotten bigger in terms of the amount of donations that we’ve been getting, so it’s exciting to have more people get involved,” said el-Darahali.

One volunteer getting involved this year is Nadira al-Nasleh, who helped out by picking up aid parcels and moving them using a trolley at the warehouse.

“It makes me feel so proud to see how our community is giving back,” said al-Nasleh, adding that she hoped it would give Haligonians a more positive image of Islam.

During Ramadan, which ended last month, Muslims are encouraged to both fast during the daylight hours and provide charity. While fasting is obligatory, children, elderly, travelers, pregnant and new mothers and people with medical conditions are exempted from it.

‘Zakat’ or charity forms one of the five pillars of Islam. Practicing Muslims are encouraged to give away 2.5% of their wealth to help the less fortunate in their society.

The other four pillars include fasting during Ramadan, praying five times a day, going for Hajj or the pilgrimage to Mecca-Medina and believing that there is only one God and Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is His messenger.


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