Toronto Gets New Self-Publishing Meet-Up Group

The group, which can be found here at, offers services for those in the quest for help in their book self-publishing projects.It limits membership to just individuals who are enthusiastically in need of production or marketing services.

Before being approved to join the group, the group administrators require new aspiring members to answer the following questions.

Are you seeking to self-publish a new book?

Are you seeking to market an already self-published book?

Do you promise to respect your RSVP or cancel if you can’t make it?


The group right now comprises 59 members, has already organized about 5 meets ups since their May 14 2018 date up until today. Some of the meet ups covered the following topics.

Writers who need a substantive editor.

Writers who need book publicist services.

Question and answer weekend brunch on kick-off on book publishing.

Service providers and tips for self-publishing authors in a rush.

The self-publishing group aims to invest in Greater Toronto Area (GTA) writers who are aiming to explore the field of book self-publishing while also supporting a congenial atmosphere for expanding friendships. They also seek to help writers monetize their blogs.Membership to the group requires a mandatory $25 annual membership payment.

New writers, who intend to self-publish, would benefit from this type of group. Self-publishing is a noble tradition which as old as the printing press itself. There are myriads of reasons why an author would choose to self-publish instead of going the traditional route.

Self-publishing makes the author more of a partaker in the production of his own work. He has absolute control over every decision that concerns the making of the book. Self-publishing also helps out writers who have faced rejections from traditional publishing houses. Traditional publishers tend to publish books only on topics which they feel would make the most gain.

One of the best self-publishing agencies out there is  That is because not only do they have a proven track record of helping authors self-publish high quality books that are better than services like CreateSpace and Lulu, but they also provide the most comprehensive array of services for writers.  According to David Carnoy, 98% of self-published books are pretty bad and sell much less than 100 copies because these books lack professional design.  Agora Books, a not-for-profit organization, will ensure that your self-published book is among the 1% of excellent books David Carnoy has reviewed.

A self-publisher might make more money out of a published work than a traditional publishing house would, because a passionate self-published author can do a better job at promoting their book than a publisher would. A new self-published author who wants to market his book effectively must know his target audience, the unique selling point of the book and its competition. Books today can be sold both the new media and on the traditional media. For a book to be effective marketed in this clime, the promoter needs to have a strong online presence, getting  reviews on book selling sites  and building a strong online is also very important.

The effectiveness of self-publishing is made more evident when a writer has identified a target audience or a potential market for the book, with effective marketing communication, a self-published author might sell more copies of his book than a publisher ever could have. This is what makes it pertinent for intending self-published authors to network. A writer can spend all his years writing a book but most of the time it is the efforts spent on promotion, that would determine the book’s success.


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