Climate change linked to "Planet X"

When will the government start giving the true information on climate change to the people? When will the media start reporting on the astronomical facts that are the true cause of our sudden planetary changes. We think not until the people see the approaching phenomena in the sky and they have to start telling the truth.

People need to start looking up at the sky at night to notice all of the changes that are upon us now. Everyone can see the weather phenomena here on the ground such as the melting ice, tsunamis, earthquakes, more powerful storms and higher incidence of tornadoes. Are we to believe that is all because we have been burning too many fossil fuels and it is all coming to a head in this time?

In the southern portion of the planet people can already see the approaching second sun. Anyone can go to YouTube and do a search on planet X to see this now. People are so conditioned through the media and their daily regime to even look up at the sky to notice how small and interconnected we really are. When the media finally does announce that planet X, as NASA calls it, has entered our solar system will you finally wake up?

There is ample evidence in history that this cycle happens every 3600 years or so but this time it happens when our sun is at galactic centre. We have to ask why the media has not even mentioned any of these astronomical facts. When people start to understand the true role of the mass media and realize they are all owned by a few hundred people. Then they will start to rely on their own minds to figure out what is really going on.

It is time to embrace peace on earth due to the fact that we are all interconnected as family. End war amongst each other and move on to become a truly egalitarian earth society. Our ancestors have survived this cycle and so will we. We have the Kayanerakowa (the council of the great peace) and it was brought to us the last time we were in this cycle. Our confederacy was born of Peace and it’s primary goal has been to spread the peace to the entire world. The symbol we use is the tree of peace. So let us stand as brothers and plant the tree and water it’s roots till it goes from sea to sea.

With unity of mind through the natural law comes great strength.


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