Toronto Book Expo 2020 still accepts applications from publishers

Publishing companies from across the globe are coming together to participate in the 2020 Toronto Book Expo. The Expo is actively accepting applications from publishing companies who would like to be part of the multicultural literary celebration.

The Toronto Book Expo is the ultimate culmination of multiple cultures across literary works. Publishing companies can expect to see a wide array of bookworms from different cultural backgrounds searching for something to add to their ever-growing to be read pile.

Publishing companies will be able to immerse themselves in different cultures. The immersive nature of the event will ensure that publishers and authors alike come out with a new insight into various culture’s literary industries.

The literary industry is dynamic and competitive. There are hundreds—if not thousands, of books published every month around the world. If players in the literary field are not careful, they risk falling into the pit of a stagnant business.

Of the various works published each month very few are blessed with the opportunity to touch thousands of readers’ lives. Events like the Toronto Book Expo enables publishers to look at the market first-hand and make apt decisions regarding future published work.

It isn’t uncommon to see mainstream publishing companies getting all the attention. That’s because the literary industry thrives on recognition. It can be incredibly hard to grab someone’s attention if you’re an unknown publishing company—much less an unknown author.

The logic behind recognition is that the literary world is mainly controlled by recommendations from fellow readers. The soaring prices being slapped on books make it increasingly difficult to convince readers that your book is worth their while.

The key component to gaining recognition is to turn your publishing company—and consequently your authors, into recognizable names. This can be achieved in a variety of ways. Publishing companies often employ the help of book reviewers to get the word out, however, that can be a difficult move to make.

Sending out books for review doesn’t always guarantee that you’ll get a review in time or at all. Some book reviewers rarely put non-mainstream books at the top of their list.

The best way to guarantee organic exposure is to partake in book fairs like the Toronto Book Expo. Participating in fairs that celebrate the literary industry afford publishing companies the chance to make personal connections within the literary community.

There are a variety of ways publishing companies can create a memorable experience for bookworms visiting their booths at the Toronto Book Expo. Games and exclusive freebies can be given for every in-Expo purchase of books. Publishing companies should get creative.

Bookworms love it when they feel like the publishing company thinks of them and their needs. It establishes a connection that ensures bookworms about publishing companies caring beyond the sale of their books.

Publishing companies who prioritize culturally-diverse authors and topics are well aware of the struggle to effectively find an audience for their books.

Generally, adult romance genres do better than most others. It can be difficult to ensure a non-niche book success. Book fairs like the Toronto Book Expo remove these barriers.

Bookworms will attend simply to search through every pile of books they can find. Unlike in a bookstore setting, publishing companies will be able to make personal recommendations and interact with bookworms to convince them to try more books.

The beauty of book fairs is that despite not making a sale, you will still fund success in spreading the word for your books. Some bookworms may not end up purchasing titles right away but they will surely be able to recognize you and your authors in the future.

The Toronto Book Fair is the perfect event for publishing companies. Spend the day building friendships and connections within the literary industry and effectively grow your business and following in the process.

There is a multitude of bookworms that will be in attendance and among them, writers and aspiring authors. Who knows? You might find the next big author to add to your client list.

If you are a publishing company and are interested in taking part in this year’s celebration of multicultural literature, apply to be a vendor at the Toronto Book Expo now.

Slots are flying fast and the early bird rate is almost gone. Don’t miss the chance to be a part of Toronto’s literary history.


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