Learn Book Self-publishing: Manuscript to Bestseller
Are you ready to transform your manuscript into a potential bestseller?
Self-publishing can be a daunting task for new and experienced authors alike.
Every year, hundreds of thousands of new titles get published in North America. With so many offerings available to entice buyers, self-published books often end-up at the bottom of the pile.
I've worked in the book publishing industry for years. In the process I've made appearances at major book fairs in Canada and the U.S., where I mix with successful self-published authors, representatives of large book publishers, top literary agents, and throngs of avid readers.
And now, I want to share the fruits of my experience.
this book, you too can gain a stronger foothold in this competitive
industry and ensure that your book is at the top of the pile of books
readers are looking for.
Read more about this book HERE on Amazon.
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