UFO · Exopolitics 1947 Views Prawin Antony

UFO Seen over Vermont, USA

With every passing day, the question of life on other planets gets answered. Extra-terrestrials continue to visit us and our aviation “experts” and “scientists” continue to deny their existence. Merely a day after a sighting was reported in St. Polycarpe, Canada, another video of an unidentified flying object (UFO!) in Vermont has gone viral over the internet. The incident was first brought to notice by the leading UFO-tracking blog, UFOSightingsDaily.com.

The video, taken by a man by the name of JayTECHs on YouTube, does not reveal anything at first to the naked eye. But, as he zooms in, it shows a low flying white orb, believed to be hovering in the afternoon sky. “It is weird that there is no noise coming from that,” he said, “and no smoke trail behind it.” If it were an aircraft, and at that altitude, noise and a visible engine exhaust verify its type. Be it a Boeing 737 or an Airbus 340. But these parameters were missing in the captured video. Its flight path, though unknown, appeared very unusual, in comparison to other flights in that area. Though Jay doesn’t confirm the evident fact that it is extra-terrestrial, he just asks us to think about it.

But, what else could it be? I’m an aerospace engineer and I am sure (as sure as heaven exists!) that Aircraft are no quiet machines. You don’t need to be an “expert” to believe what you can clearly see. St. Polycarpe and Vermont in consecutive days! What do our galactic neighbours have in store for us?

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