UFO · Exopolitics 3004 Views by Edvinas

Alien Sighting In Bristol, England

A UFO was spotted on February 13, 2016, at Severn Beach, Bristol, UK. Local resident Fiona Powell was outside with her children and a couple of friends walking on the beach when she decided to take a picture of the surroundings. The woman saw nothing extraordinary at first, but when she got home and uploaded the photos to her computer, a flying saucer was visible in the corner of one of the pictures. 

41-year-old claims this is the first time she captured a UFO and whether or not you believe aliens exist, once you zoom in all the criteria of a UFO can be seen in the photograph. The woman shared her discovery with a couple of friends, and they were astonished by the discovery.

It is widely believed that the reason UFOs are often sighted over the ocean is because of their saucers' ability to travel underwater and be out of sight most of the time. This way they can stay under a radar and do their research of our planet and its inhabitants.

Sightings in the UK have been more frequent recently, and more and more people report that they have seen alien-like creatures or flying objects which are nothing like you usually see. 

Here’s a raw version of the report. 

METRO--------- I’m undecided whether I believe in aliens or not, but this photo certainly meets the criteria of a UFO.

After I had taken the photo, my friend zoomed in and it looked even more like a UFO. I have shown the photo to a few sensible friends and they all think it is incredible.


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