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Missouri Resident Reveals Alien Mind Control Tactics

Date: 18 September, 2017.

Place: Mountain Grove, State of Missouri, United States.

On 18 September, an unnamed citizen from Mountain Grove, Missouri, reported to Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) a series of strange events he had been experiencing in the last months.

According to his report, some extraterrestrial beings have been telepathically communicating with him, trying to “control” his “thoughts and movements”.

“I live alone with my dog. I heard them first, communicating directly into my brain”, the author of the report stated. “I am still quite sane but beginning to wonder if I will remain this way”, he added.

The unnamed witness affirmed that these beings have told him they are from Jupiter, and they also have a ship which “looks like Venus, with side lights”. “This is extensive, but to highlight events their ship looks like Venus with side lights, and there is a faint beam of light that pretty much follows me around. I can outrun it in my truck but it doesn't take them long to find me. I have gone to stay in motels, but usually I am followed and attempts to escape them are futile. I don't have to speak to communicate; they read my thoughts as if I were speaking. The most consistent story is that they are from Jupiter and doing human research”, he explained.

“They have been determined to make me a specimen and have tried to take me but for some reason don't seem to be able to get it done. They are also attempting to inhabit my brain and body to control my thoughts and movement”, the Missourian resident expressed. “I have mostly prayed and hoped for the best, not knowing what else to do. It seems that they singled me out and are quite determined to succeed in researching me. They say they have taken over two hundred humans”, he said.

Finally, he claimed for help and attention. He affirmed that nobody believes his story. “I previously reported this to UFO agencies, the military and local law enforcement, but no luck on getting anyone to follow up and contact me”, he said. “I do fear that they [the extraterrestrial beings] can and will harm me more than they already have”, he added.

Draw your own conclusions…

For more information: https://mufoncms.com/cgi-bin/report_handler.pl?req=view_long_desc&id=86746&rnd=

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