7 Aliens From Different Dimension Conduct Home Invasion Against Florida Resident

Date: 10 March, 2018.

Place: Cape Coral, Florida State, United States.

A couple of months ago, on 10 March, a very strange incident was reported in the city of Cape Coral, Florida.

According to an anonymous testimony published on Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) online database, a local resident affirmed to have been abducted by “around seven aliens” while he was alone in his house.

“I was in the bathroom and then I heard a knocking on the window. When I looked, there were around seven aliens standing there. I had only seen one at a time in the past two years, but this time they were all together”, the abductee affirmed. He also informed that the beings tried to “drill” implants in his body. “Implants were flying up to me, trying to drill themselves into my skin”, he asserted.

The Florida resident also said he is devastated and wants to be helped, since it was a very traumatic experience for him. “I have a friend that saw this event too. Also, their [the aliens’] slim is still on the window. You can check it out. I have several implants in me. I really need help; they are ruining my life”, he expressed. “Please call me as soon as possible. I can't check my email so you can only call me, but please help me! They are hurting me every single night. I'm a 38-year old grown man and I tell you this is not a joke!” he added.

The American citizen then described the eerie things the apparent interdimensional alien entities usually perform on him. “They make all trees turn into demon-shaped beings. They make faces in my clothes and they electrocute me, too. They also bite me hard enough to make me bleed”, he claimed.

“I have so many friends and family that have seen the aliens and the things they do. Please help me! It is getting bad enough that I want to kill myself. They [the aliens] make my life a living hell, you have no idea”, he commented.

Draw your own conclusions…

For more information: https://mufoncms.com/cgi-bin/report_handler.pl?req=view_long_desc&id=90684&rnd=


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