Crying can help you in relieving stress

There are several studies which prove the connection which exists in between physical health and mental stress. In fact, most of the chronic stress problems occur due to improper functioning of the immune system, increased cholesterols and blood pressure problems, improper brain chemistry or hormonal imbalance and increase in the growth of bodily tumour.

Recent results have also  shown that crying is yet another another bodily function which can be associated with stress. This is mainly due to the fact that the tears which we shed out contain ACTH (Adrenocorticotropic hormone), a chemical which is considered to be one of the causes of stress.

There are several Energy Phychology Techniques such as the EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) which have become quite popular and can help in the reprogramming of an individual’s reaction to stress in everyday life.

Stress causes early deaths, even amongst healthy individuals

Stress also causes the heart rate to rise tremendously which makes you feel like you’re about to be crushed by an approaching truck even while you may be sitting. It is also extremely detrimental to your health and can lead to an earlier death even for those individuals who are known to exercise regularly.

Dr. Magnus Thorsten Jensen, a well known Cardiologist who practices at the Copenhagen University Hospital document that higher heart rates are not necessarily indicators of diseases. However, there exists an extremely significant and strong association between the higher heart rates and the life expectancies. The renowned doctor’s works have also shown that people who have a resting pulse of about 80 beats per minute die 4 – 5 years earlier than those who have a pulse of about 65 beats per minute.

The Emotional Freedom Technique is one’s best defence against stress

The CDC (Center for Disease Control) has also stated that about 85% of the diseases have an emotional element to them. One of the most common reasons for traumas which adversely affect a person’s health are emotional scars from the past. These scars lead to chronic stress which in turn damage our cells.

Dr. Bruce Lipton, a cellular Biologist has also stated that the true secret of life lies within the mechanisms of the cell membrane and not within the DNA. Thus, using techniques such as the EFT can help one correct their emotional state thereby reducing stress from their lives.

To sum up, one of the universally accepted truths is that our emotions cannot be separated from our wellness and every feeling that we have affect our body in one way or another.

While crying or releasing pent up emotions are one of the best ways to gain short term advantages, one must try to improve their condition over the long run by getting enough sleep, meditating and performing daily exercises.


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