Online dating assistants: Do they really help?

When it comes to the world of dating, it is a common fact that online dating is very often the quickest and simplest option for those that do not have the time it takes to actually go out, meet people of the opposite sex, and start up what could possibly end up being meaningful relationships. However, what happens for those people that do not have the time to set up an online profile, trawl the dating website for potential matches, and chat to the people they want to meet? This is where the concept of online dating assistants comes into play.

You need to put a few hours in per week to the world of online dating, and there are busy people out there trying to juggle kids, jobs, housework, social lives, and other things. Where are they expected to fit in the idea of online dating? You don’t really get anywhere with the online dating concept unless you actually put the time in, and it can be very frustrating when you are not getting as many dates or potential matches out of it as you would like. Are you the type of person that should be looking at online dating assistants?

We should probably start with the good news:

*You find a website, get matches to an online dating assistant, and speak to them via email or cyber call to get the upfront information passed over. This information is then transferred to an online dating profile, and with this profile, you will be found the perfect matches to you, as per your specifications. You have technically saved a couple of hours of trying to find the perfect profile pictures, writing the perfect profile, coming up with the perfect messages…. The assistant will do all of this for you.

*They sift through all of the messages that you have received, making sure that no one talks to you unless they are definitely a good match, or you have expressed interest in them. This, again, can take a couple of hours away a week sifting through messages that you have absolutely no intention to replying to. The virtual dating assistant will also respond to the ones you don’t like with simple "Thanks, but no thanks" messages to keep it all polite.

*They will send the messages for you so you don’t have to be nervous about that witty repertoire you are trying to have going on. They will take all of the hassle out of that, so no longer will you have to pace your living room endlessly, trying to come up with the cutest or funniest things to say.

When you look at it from that perspective, it would seem as if online dating assistants would be the perfect answer to the solution, but as with most things in life, all positives must come with a few negatives!

When you use an online dating assistant, is the date you are trying to be matched with really dating you at all? Or are they just dating your assistant? It is all very good and well her sending those cute, witty messages back and forth, but this is not stuff that you would necessarily say, nor is the rejection messages. Could you also imagine how you would feel if your online dating assistant let a cute guy or girl through the net, simply because he or she didn’t think that you would be interested? They could potentially be letting a whole group of people slip through her fingers from a bad judgment.

Also, when you look at this from this point of view, how would the online dating assistant be actually capable of separating herself from the situation? She may cringe at what that guy just said to her; would you have cringed? Maybe it was something that you would have found cute? If you are pre-programmed to be a certain why – liking certain men, not liking certain features of men, etc. then how easy would it be for the assistant to actually not be touched in one way or another by the response they have just seen? Technically, it would be very hard to achieve.


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