Japan's nuclear meltdown causes earless bunny

An earless bunny was born near Japan's Fukushima nuclear power plant, giving rise to fears that nuclear radiation leak is worse than expected and deformed human babies may be next in the list.

A YouTube video clip was posted by a member with the ID "yuunosato" titled, 'Earless Bunny Born After Tokyo Electric Power Company Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Accident.'

The translated description of the clip reads:

"After the nuclear accident, government and the media said there was no immediate effect on the health. But in the town of Namie Tsushima, which is outside the 30 kilometer area or outside the mandatory evacuation zone, it happened.

So far as there has been no news about this kind, it certainly makes one suspect that the government is deliberately making an effort to keep news of the radiation leak a secret.

The rabbits, which are housed in an outdoor bunny pen, are eating wild grass, which resulted in earless bunny's birth. This is the first anomaly/deformation ever born. Life cycle of a bunny is quicker than humans. As I am wondering if humans will be the next victim, I imagine the future picture of human babies."

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