Extraterrestrial vehicle sighting linked to memory loss

An Oregon parent and child are complaining of "strange memory" problems after watching a 40 to 60-yard-long, rectangular-shaped object under 600 feet move over Highway 26 in Hillsboro, and hover on October 16, 2011, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

"My memory is very strange right now and the memory is not as clear and getting fainter," the witness stated. "My daughter is dealing with the same issue. I think I am still very much in shock."

The parent first noticed the object as a "bright light" just before Jackson School Road in Hillsboro, and thought it was an airplane coming straight at them.

"It started as a point of bright light about five miles ahead of me," the witness stated. "I woke my daughter, who was sleeping in the back seat, to come sit in passenger side seat and view what I was seeing. I slowed the van as I drove along; with at least four other cars that were on the highway and were looking at it. It then zipped off to the right and was over my town of North Plains. Then it zipped to my right on the north side of Highway 26 and started to slowly cruise over the freeway in front of us - about 50 yards in front of us - heading to the southeast. It only had an unbelievable white light coming out the bottom."

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Internet site reference: http://www.examiner.com/ufo-in-national/oregon-witnesses-strange-memory-problems-after-watching-rectangle-ufo


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