Extraterrestrial War of the 1930’s reveals Mayan Calendar’s 2012 as a computer programmed scenario

As humans, our seeking of a critical appreciation of just who were the Mayans, may very well be critical for averting a chain of events occurring in 2012, that may lead to an unspeakable global catastrophe. It appears that the Mayan civilization became infiltrated as a result of inter-dimensional alien entities who came through a stargate that was opened up by the Nazis. This representation is based upon the representation of Alex Collier. He is a self-described contactee of Ethical Extraterrestrials. These alien entitles then travelled back to alter human history. The ancient Pagan Gnostics before the archon creation of the Bible, witnessed, and observed, the travelling back into time of the same alien entities who had infiltrated the Mayans.

The insights of Dr. John Lash’s research into ancient Pagan Gnostic suggests that the archons were responsible for the creation of the Mayan Calendar. The Pagan Gnostics elaborated that the archons are inorganic lower-dimensional entities. The archons seek to parasitize the soul-energy which humans represents. Barbaric rituals of human sacrifices to an alien God by the Mayans constituted part of the parasitism/“vampirism” which Pagan Gnostics identified. Pagan Gnostics referred to the archons as “artificial man”. That is because the archons are soul-less entities without empathy, which have a mind that essentially could be viewed to be a sophisticated computer.

Each archon is connected to each other as a “hive mind” to what Pagan Gnostics referred to as the “Demiurge”. The Demiurge controls hierarchically controlled layers of archons entities which seek to “please” the Demiurge. By pleasing the Demiurge, archon entities rise to power within the hive matrix of the Demiurge. Our system of capitalism was contrived by the archons to foster the Demiurge’s parasitism. The Pagan Gnostics identified elite-controlled organizations on Earth, including organized religions, as the “humanized face of aliens”. The archons tend to preside and control over such organizations in behalf of the Demiurge.

When archons through the altered human history manifested by the Nazi stargate, talk about “God” in the male or patriarchical sense of “He“, they were apparently referring to the Demiurge. The Pagan Gnostics referred to the Demiurge as demonic “wannabe God” which seeks to “vanquish“ humans. The Demiurge has sought to force organized religions onto humans in order to seek worship and adulation from human biological entities, which are exploited by the archons to furnish to ego of Alien Supercomputer Mind Matrix which the Demiurge represents.

You might enquire, why does understanding the Mayans as an extension of collective alien artificial intelligence, provide insight into an apparent end time of 2012 deadline in the Mayan Calendar?

Look at the Mayan Calendar. What does it resemble in our awareness of modern computer technology, which according to Dr. Michael Salla, is being introduced into our human civilization by an archon-controlled Military-Industrial-Extraterrestrial Complex of interests or ‘MIEC’? Arguably, the Mayan Calendar has similar design/architecture which resembles a modern CD disc, which is used to store data.

Now, what happens when you play a CD. It keeps running until it ends. Based upon Pagan Gnostics insights, the Mayan Calendar may be some kind of script in which 2012 is the deadline imposed onto the archons to fulfill their “mission” to serve the ego of the Demiurge.

Dr. Michael Salla elaborates that the archons have sought to “hide truth in plain sight” through science fiction. Apparently, this is an archon technique to demonstrate the “stupidity” of the humans, who would fail to see, and then take evasive action from such clues of a forseable destruction.

If that is the case, one Star Trek episode which first aired in the late 1960’s, might have very well depicted the Demiurge in the character “Landru”. The Landru character is depicted in the above video.

The Mayan Calendar 2012 “End of Time” scenario, based upon ancient Pagan Gnostic insight, is the apparent “will” of the “Demiurge”. As humans, we can already observe an apparent artificial intelligence at work in apparent unrelated crises. In the video below, Jonathan Kleck was able to predict back in 2009, the BP Gulf Oil Mexico Disaster which took place on 3/11, simply by connecting dots on a map which formed an archon pentagram. He has further used this pentagram to predict a possible future World War III scenario taking place to further complete the Demiurge computer programmed scenario that the Mayan Calendar represents.

The Mayan Calendar has been linked to a New World Order scenario which most humans might consider the creation of a Hell on Earth. If we, as humans, seek to avoid the planned “climax” of the Demiurge for a Hell on Earth, which Fukushima seems to be a part of, the same Star Trek episode Landru might be presenting the answer in plain sight.

In that episode, the Star Trek crew aborted the Landru mind control false reality matrix, which then freed the characters on the planet from further control by Landru. In that similar spirit, as humans, it may be vital for us to find a way to abort the final execution of Mayan Calendar alien computer programme which is being executed through archons. In so doing, Earth would be freed of the alien entities which according to Alex Collier, constitute a collective force which holds us, as humans, from our evolutionary potential, as beings of peace, empathy and love.

The failure of humans to abort the Mayan Calendar’s computer program scenario would result in the final execution of a programmed 2012 “End of Times scenario” in the alien‘s final projected assimilation of Earth. Humans must wake up, to quote the words of David Icke, and affirm sovereignty, in order to avoid in 2012 an apparent very real “End of Times” scenario that is apparently part of the verifiable programmed nature of events orchestrated by archons under the direction of the Demiurge.


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