Archons: Militaries present alien collaborations through UFOs


In the above video, the late Bill Uhouse provided his testimony on such archontic activities.  He elaborates in the video that he was a specialist project engineer in underground alien base.

Many people can’t grasp the fact that our own government and military flies and possesses their own UFO air craft. And from what I have seen it’s so similar to actual alien craft most people wouldn’t be able to tell the difference. That’s why if you research the alien and UFO phenomenon you will run into stories of people who have seen actual UFOs fly into mountainous bases, or under the water or to underground bases in the desert because they’re not always alien bases but military bases. In fact there are 131 DUMB's (deep underground military bases) that are shared jointly by aliens and our military. They are working TOGETHER.

Are human collaborators therefore using alien obtained technologies against Earthbound humans?

In the video below, an apparent military UFO was seen over New Mexico recently, and appears to bear a U.S. military insignia that can be seen just before it lands.

You can watch this landing in the video below which was recorded by a New Mexico eyewitness.

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