UFO · Exopolitics 2909 Views by Raymond

UFO: Toronto witness reports orb activity

A witness reports UFO activity over Toronto on 8 July 2012 according a report from The Canadian.

Both the ancient Pagan Gnostics and Jacques Vallée suggest that many UFO sightings may be the result of the "weaponizing" of the human mind by artificial life forms that have been referred to as "Archons". By accessing the human mind, "Archons" are apparently able to manifest or "project" many UFO sightings as part of a "spiritual control system" against the human psyche.

The witness describes the sighting.

“Thought it was a ball, but upon pausing the video, the object is clearly a metallic saucer shape.”

The witness reports where he saw the UFO activity over Toronto.

“Video taken around the Avenue Rd. and St. Clair area of Toronto.”

The above quotes were edited for clarity. Please keep in mind that many UFO reports can be explained as something natural or terrestrial in origin.

More information: http://www.examiner.com/article/ufo-toronto-witness-reports-orb-activity?cid=db_articles


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