Coronavirus: Does Dr. Tam practice hypocrisy on face masks?

Dr. Theresa Tam is now recommending that Canadians wear masks as an "added layer of protection" against COVID-19. So, why has the guidance changed, and should it have come earlier?

In the above video, Power & Politics speaks to Economic Development Minister Mélanie Joly, Dr. Catherine Hankins, co-chair of the federal COVID-19 Immunity Task Force, and Ontario mayors Bonnie Crombie and Patrick Brown.

But where is Dr. Tam's own face masks as she implores other Canadians to wear face masks.

Dr. Tam seems to have gotten Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to wear a face mask but where is hers?

Seems to me that when you start to implore other Canadians to wear a face mask, you should be wearing one when you do so.

When is Dr. Tam going to be practising what she preaches in her most recent conversion into embracing face masks?


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