Summer Roof Maintenance

Properly adhering to a maintenance schedule can help you ensure that untimely damage does not occur to your roof, and that it is always in good working order. In the summer months, many people assume that their roof is under less stress, as there are no longer snow or icicles for it to contend with.  This is absolutely incorrect; in fact, there can be quite a bit more strain on a roof in Canada’s summer time, as it now has to contend with: significant temperature swings, severe thunder and lightning storms, more wildlife hazards, and the harsh summer sun.

You should begin your summer maintenance schedule by performing a series of inspections. You will need to visually inspect your roof, both on the outside of your house and from within. Let’s start with your visual inspection of the exterior of your home. According to, some roof inspections can be dangerous, particularly those roofs with slippery tiles or steep slopes, so it's important to know how and where to step on your roof. Remember safety should always be your first priority. With that in mind, if you don’t believe it is safe for you to physically inspect your roof, you might want to consult a trustworthy and professional roofer that offers a free consultation service such as It may be necessary for the professional to diagnose the problems for you, and while he or she is inspecting the roofing, you should ask as many questions as possible regarding tale tell signs that you may need to take into consideration for the near future. Contact Professional Roofers if you don’t feel comfortable or safe inspecting your roof yourself – a quality roofer will be able to diagnose any roofing problem safely and efficiently.

Assuming that you can step onto your roof, or that you are able to access it from a ladder, your first step should be to clear away any debris from the shingles, downspouts, or gutters that may have built up over the winter. Not only will clearing the debris help extend your roof’s life, but it will allow you to see any other issues that may be hidden underneath it. Make sure you don’t clean your roof with a pressure washer as this can prematurely degrade your shingles! According to WikiHow, in order to clean the roof safely, you must manually use a 6” trowel and wire brush. Once all the debris has been cleared away, you’ll want to check: the condition of your shingles, that your flashing hasn’t come loose or separated from the house, missing shingles, any spaces that critters might enter, the condition of sealants, and to make sure that overhangs and eaves don't possess water stains.

Once you’ve looked at the roof from above and taken into account any potential remedial action you may need to make, you should look at your roof from the interior of your house. Go into the attic and look for: mould, mildew, water stains, rat feces, or any other sign of trouble. If you find any damage, it's crucial to address those issues with a professionalto ensure you correct the problems the right way and prevent any further damage.


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